WOD 5/7

Level Two
10:00 Snatch Progression

A1. Snatch x1x5 @ 75-80% RPE 6-7 Rest :30
A2. High Box Jump x1x5 Rest :30
B. 400 M Sprint x 2 Rest 7:00
*Best 400 M Time Recorded

Extra Credit:
Back Squat x3x4 @ 80% (focus on depth and Mechanics)

Level One (11)
Toes to Bar
Box Jumps

5 Rounds
5 Box Jumps (step down)
20 Singles
20 Singles
*Total time recorded

Have Some Butter With Your Veggies
*Post thoughts to comments

“Have courage for the great sorrows of life and patience for the small ones; and when you have laboriously accomplished your daily task, go to sleep in peace.”– Victor Hugo 


  • Have you heard about the awesome Carl Paoli Seminar at CFA THIS WEEKEND on May 13th? Learn more here!
  • Got an exciting new PR you want on the leader board? Be sure to fill out a PR slip and give it to Caitlyn to chalk it up!
AM – Level 1
Caitlin 6:38
Abbi 7:58
Lindsey 8:25
Sean 6:36
AM – Level 2
Doug 1:02
Beast 1:10
Charlie 1:04
Eileen MOD
Brandon 1:12
Tim 1:23
Janice 1:28
JV 1:30
MGJ 2:34 (Row)
Cindy 2:13 (Row)
Erica 2:03 (Row)
Schittone 1:40 (Row)
Can2 1:31 (Row)
Bryan 1:49 (Row)
Sarah 2:21 (Row)
Valyn 2:13 (Row)
Becky 2:14 (Row)
Gwar 1:48 (Row)
Sandy 2:19 (Row)
Snooki 1:26
Rocky 1:19
Eric 1:10
Linda 1:46
Anthony S
Jurkash 1:21
Walker 1:16
12P – Level 2
Jess 1:23
Jables 1:23
Jeff 1:11
Mer 1:42
Blake 1:14
Stephen 1:35
Ryan 1:18
Lance S
Wood 1:10
PM – Level 2
Alan 1:20
EJ 1:10
Crash 1:37
Danimal 0:57
Gilbert 0:59
Gabriel 1:23
Leigh 1:10
AG 1:01
Greg 1:00
Jamey 1:11
Stacey 1:12
Shug 1:42
Pam 1:42
Janet 1:15
Josie 2:03
Brandon 1:04
Kaz 1:08
Janss 1:09
Angela 1:10
George 1:13
Mischka 1:28
Jenna 1:19
E-Rod 1:26
Jeff 1:15
Adrian 1:19
LaRosa 1:26
Liz G 1:59
Sanchez 1:08
Cooey 1:45
KT 1:47
Elena 1:52
Jo 1:32
Denise 1:29
Mr. T 1:38
Gold 0:58
Shemo 1:31 (Row)
Helen 2:34 (Row)
Raquel 2:19 (Row)
PM – Level 1
Caitlin 6:38
Lindsey 8:25
Abbi 7:58
Sean 6:36
Fowler 4:41
German 5:13
Fernando 4:46
Shannon 4:58
Betsy 5:04
Lauren 4:57
Gadi 4:42
Krueger 5:08
Kandy 5:47
Araceli 5:16
Alyson 5:23
Rachel 4:58
Missy 3:58
C2 4:09
Ice E 5:35
Tony 4:27