WOD 5/8
Level Two
UB Kip Pull-ups
Strict Press
*Alternate Rest :30 b/t exercises
Partner Workout
Max Meter Row
10 Rounds
10 Wall Balls
10 Burpees
200 M Run
*Partners split rounds alternating, row when not completing a round.
*Total time and meters recorded
Level One (Day 12)
KB Swings
A. DL 3×5 Rest 1:00
B. FR Reverse Lunge x6-8/legx3 Rest 1:00
How Vegetable Oils Replaced Animal Fats in the American Diet
*Post thoughts to comments
“The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.” – Margaret Carty
- Have you heard about the awesome Carl Paoli Seminar at CFA THIS WEEKEND (May 13th)? Learn more here!
- Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! (Details soon!)
- Got an exciting new PR you want on the leader board? Be sure to fill out a PR slip and give it to Caitlyn to chalk it up!
AM – Level 1 | ||
Natalia | S | |
JP | S | |
Amy | S | |
Stephanie | S | |
AM – Level 2 | ||
Brian + Charlie | 4881 | 23:03 |
Mike + Guthrie | 5273 | 24:37 |
Staggy + Janice | 4084 | 23:01 |
JV + Beast | 3970 | 23:46 |
Ballet + Michael | 4583 | 22:24 |
Sandy + Becky | 3524 | 23:45 |
Can2 + Tow Matt | 5178 | 24:48 |
Ed + Erica | 4149 | 25:21 |
Natalie + Elizabeth | 5132 | 30:00 |
Ray + Jeff + Chris | 4207 | 22:32 |
Colleen + Sam | 5643 | 27:27 |
Christina + MegO | 4517 | 30:46 |
AM – Ladies’ | ||
Mer + Michelle + Emily | 6136 | 32:41 |
12P – Level 1 | ||
Scott | S | |
Odindu | S | |
Todd | S | |
Gadi | S | |
Melissa | S | |
PM – Level 2 | ||
Brittani + Stephen | 4543 | 26:00 |
Alan + Blake | 4716 | 26:00 |
Kaz + Danimal | 5183 | 24:16 |
Leah + Angela | 3864 | 23:42 |
Desiree + Gary | 4528 | 24:41 |
Loren + Eric | 4032 | 21:06 |
Nic + Tasha + Shug | 3753 | 22:44 |
Andy + Bryan | 4758 | 24:06 |
Gale + Parnell | 5641 | 24:53 |
Shemo + Paul | 6140 | 29:46 |
Greg + ERod | 4131 | 23:13 |
Pinky + Ruffino | 4382 | 24:51 |
Janet + Sting | 4715 | 24:42 |
LaRosa + Nicole | 4431 | 24:55 |
Turk + Sanchez | 4431 | 21:42 |
ABC + Vanessa | 4054 | 27:55 |
Matthew | MOD |