WOD 5/7

Performance & Foundations
A.6:00 EMOM
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Power Snatch
*Increase weight 2.5-5 lbs / set 60-70%
*Record Best Weight

B. Snatch DL x3x3 @ 100%+ of Power Snatch Rest 2:00

C1. Back Squats x3x3 by feel Rest :60
C2. Box Jumps x3x3 by feel for height Rest :60

“To know oneself is to study oneself in action with another person.” –Bruce Lee


Foundations & Performance – AM
Stephanea 45
Ruhlin 95
Sissy 60
Janet 75
Gage 115
Bev 60
Kara 55
Sarah 65
Braden 90
Adrian 90
Carlos 85
Matthew 105
Mitch 115
Melanie 75
Vy 65
Lee 95
Ballet 105
Tow Matt 115
Heather 80
LaShea 65
Claudia 85
Mr. T 155
Jake 85
Emily 55
Laura 45
Ryan 85
Megan 55
Steve 85
Danielle 45
Dylan 90
Mercy 65
Ray 125
All Levels – Noon
Shanon 25
Alex 40
Jared 115
Jeri 65
Mary 75
Kayleen 85
Faraon 105
Performance & Foundations – PM
Brooks 130
Ian 135
Malia 45
Fernando 115
Tornado 95
Jessica 95
ABC 70
Pam 55
Jeanette 40
Matt 100
Dan 120