WOD 5/9

Buy In/Cash Out

Step-ups/Leg (Heavy)


4 Rounds
:45 Row @ 90% (for Watts)
1:15 Rest
:45 5 Clean to Overhead @ 70-75%
1:15 Rest
:45 Double Unders
1:15 Rest

Nothing recedes like success. -Walter Winchell

Stress Relievers
*Post thoughts to comments

– Chad starts a new round of O-lifting classes this Thurday, May 12th!!  Sign up here.

– Ladies’ Night Saturday May 14th at 5:30pm at El ChileWe will be starting at El Chile and then heading across the street to Roller Derby!! Here is more information.
– Muddy Buddy is coming up on May 14-15th.  If you are interested in participating, sign up here!!
– Saturday, May 21st, bring your friends and family and let them experience CrossFit for themselves!  Sign them up here for a free workout.
– Murph Day 2011 is here!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up here to attend.

AM Results    
  Step-ups Avg. Watts
Nick 50lbs 403.5
Mike 55lbs 340
Mikey 32K 371
Erica 30lbs 159.8
Mego 12K 115.5
MG Jenny 20lbs 119.8
Dana 35lbs 161
Kirk 55lbs 330.3
Mel 35lbs 173.3
Matthew 50lbs 354.3
Ray 55lbs 232.3
Rob 35lbs 290.5
Stephen 55lbs 280.3
Jenny 35lbs 155.5
AM On Ramp    
Callie 11:26  
Kristen 11:23  
Jessica 13:45  
Dustin 16:04  
Jables 35lbs 206.8
Jesse 35lbs 255
Lance 55lbs 273.8
John D. 50lbs 315.5
PM Results    
David 50lbs 403
Andre 35lbs 262
Ryan 35lbs 377
Colleen 35lbs 233
Fro 35lbs 401
Kristin 35lbs 243
G 35lbs 161
Winner 35lbs 191
Julie 20lbs 208
Tristy 35lbs 336
Leigh 55lbs 371
Christy 20lbs 166
Cody 55lbs 501
Sherman 35lbs 406
Kaz 35lbs 389
Stephanie 30lbs 263
Stacey MOD 224
Boone 55lbs 501
Skipper 50lbs 311
Elena 20lbs 123
Uzi 55lbs 354
Young 55lbs 317
Ross 50lbs 353
Anthony 35lbs 262
Danny 35lbs 328
Jenn 35lbs 215
Schittone 35lbs 299
J.V. 20lbs 176
Elizabeth 16K 151
Crash 12K 177
Megan Skill 195
Zoom 16K 150
Patrick 24K 372


Jessica 35lbs 206
Danielle 16K 190
PM On Ramp    
Caitlyn 9:18  
Brian 6:15  
Melody 6:22  
Huston 5:28  
Chrissy 8:02