WOD 6/1

All Levels
A1. DB Bentover Row x5/armx4 Rest :30
A2. Muscle Snatch x5x4 Rest :30
A3. Speed Ladder Drills x3 passes x 4 Rest :60
(2 Foot hops, 2 Feet/ hole run, 1 Foot hops, Cowboy Shuffle)

5 Rounds
5 Squat Jumps
10 Total Front Rack Reverse Lunges (95 lb, 65 lb)
5 Sumo DL High Pull
10 DB Push Press (45 lb, 25 lb)
*Total time posted

“It’s kind of fun to do the impossible.” – Walt Disney

Maintaining Strength
*Post thoughts to comments


  • Jog’N’Joe Running Group will meet on Tuesday and Thursday mornings with FREE coffee afterwards! Learn more here!
  • Murph Day is coming, so mark your calendars for June 16th! Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!
  • Level 3 Classes are coming to CFA.  Get ready for the 2013 CrossFit Games here!
  • CFA will have a Happy Hour on Wednesday, June 6th at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows.  Come out and meet and mingle with friends – new and old!

AM – All Levels
Jennifer 10:46 (15,12K)
Ivan 8:53 Rx
Mego 8:56 (15, 5lb)
Bryan 8:58 (75, 25lb)
Guthrie 10:46 Rx
Tow Matt 9:56 (85, Rx)
Cantu 10:11 Rx (+50)
Paul 13:31 (65, 25lb)
Sean 9:47 (Rx, 40lb)
Gwar 12:02 Rx
Teeny 9:25 (45, 15lb)
Michele 8:51 (35, 10lb)
Jo 9:16 (45, 20lb)
Caitlin 9:53 (25, 15lb
Colleen 8:48 (55, Rx)
Erica L3 Test
Janice L3 Test
Schittone 10:35 (65, 35lb)
Anthony S
Kirk S
Irl 8:22 (35, 10lb)
Danimal 11:11 (95, 35lb)
Randy 10:11 (75, 35lb)
Wade 12:33 Rx
Suzi 8:06 (35, 10lb)
12P – All Levels
Money 16:05 (75, 20lb)
Lance 7:49 Rx
Marc 14:29 (95, 30lb)
Todd 15:30 (65, 25lb)
Araceli 9:49 (15, 20lb)