WOD 6/10

Performance – Week 5 of 8
A. Snatch x2x4@55-75%, x1x4@80-85% Rest 90 sec
B. RDL x8x3 Rest 1:00

4 Rounds
150m Row@100% (Damper 6 for Women, 8 for Men)
Rest 2 min
100m Skips for Height
Rest 2 min

Skill: Kip Pull-ups

EMOM alternating for 20:00
3-6 Ring Rows / Half Kneel DB Press
3-6 Reverse Lunges

5:00 AMRAP
5 Kip Pull-up
10 Sit-ups
*Total Reps recorded

Dear Mark: The Purpose of Body Hair and the Non-Essentiality of Dietary Cholesterol
*Post thoughts to comments

“The vision of a champion is someone who is bent over, drenched in sweat, at the point of exhaustion when no one else is watching.” – Anson Dorrance



Foundations – AM
Humberto 90
Monica 60
Josh 90
Emily 90
Tineke 110
Michele W 61
Performance – AM 
Jeff 29
Sam 28
Ruhilin 27
Big Spoon 23.8
Mitch 34
Carlos 28
MegO 34
Jillian 31
Sissy 38
Vanessa 33
Sarah 32
Velvet 33
Maureen 33
Ballet 26.3
Page 27
Ed 27
Jose 30
Ryan 27
Super Dario 23
KT 35
Ray 28
John W 27
Performance – PM
Gill 27
Danielle 33
Kat 33
Ruffino 34
Dixie 32
Ryan 25
Sharon 32
Lori 35
Coco 38
Kevin 27
Gabriel 30
J-Mo 33
Pam 34.9
Amber 32
Shug 29
ABC 29
Robert 27
David 23
AG 23.8
Miller Time 30
Can2 26
Sanchez 25.6
Andy 27
Steel 25
C2 30
Missy 32
Kristin 36
Leah 31
Mr. T 25.2
Amber 34
Scott 30
KJ 32
PJ 27
Nicole 33
RC 29
Foundations – PM
Lulu 70
Lorin 75
Ed 70
Matt 85
Sean 70
Kelli 75
Paul 80
Cassie 80
Desiree 60
Amanda 77
Kristin 77
Madison 70
Amy 60
Ana 70
Sadie 70
Joe 70
Sindy 85