WOD 6/12

Performance – Week 5 of 8
20 min Every min on the min (Alternate)
Odd- 2 Clean and Jerk @ 65-70%
Even- L-Sit Hold for :20 sec

4 Rounds
300m MB Run
10 Kipping Pull ups
5 MB Russian Triangles/side
*Record Time

Foundations (Test Day)
Skill: Row

A. 3 x 500 M Row Rest appx 2:00
*record best split
B.  25 Wall Balls
25 Push-ups
25 KB Swings
25 Jump Pull-ups
*Time Recorded

Why Youth Strength and Conditioning Matters
*Post thoughts to comments

“I never allow myself to become discouraged under any circumstances. The three great essentials to achieve anything worthwhile are first, hard work, second, stick-to-ittiveness, third, common sense.” – Albert Einstein


Foundation – AM 
Silas 3:50
Laila 4:12
Kevin Mod
Monica 4:27
Humberto 4:20
Denora 3:15
Teenca 3:23
Emily 4:02
Performance – AM
Rulin 13:06
JV 16:27
Janice 14:02
Sissy 16:02
Lee 14:46
Jeff 16:14
Kara 9:55
Mitch 15:54
Maureen 9:04
Jillian 12:27
Bradley 7:34
Matthew 12:38
Dario 13:39
Page 13:22
Velvet 13:29
Staci 15:03
Nicole 13:32
KJ 12:59
Missy 13:36
Vanessa 13:24
Sarah 13:42
Michael 12:08
Ballet 12:44
Ryan 13:46
Marky Marc 14:41
KT 14:39
Performance – Noon 
Brennan 17:22
Dixie 17:49
Kevin 14:36
Avtar 15:33
Rufino 16:14
Shana 16:38
Josie 16:01
Ginny 14:43
Chow 13:22