WOD 6/14


Murph 07.06.2013 

CrossFit Austin will be hosting Murph on Saturday (7.6.2013) honoring the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and all fallen veterans. This event is open to everyone (no membership required), teams are welcome, and heats will start at 8am. All proceeds will be donated to the Navy Seal Foundation (aside from t-shirt costs). Registration closes on 6.21.2013. Donations are welcome up until the date of the event!
Click here for more details!

This event will also mark the beginning of our Friends&Family Event. During this event,  CFA will host classes at 6:30am and 6:30pm on  Tuesday (7.9) and on Thursday (7.11) for F&F to come and join in on all the fun!  Click Here To Register! 

All Levels
– Week 5 of 8

4 Rounds
Partner A
500m Row

Partner B
5 Push ups
5 Tic Tac
*Both partners will do 4 rounds of A & B
*AMRAP Time is dependent on Partner A Row
*Record total Time

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” -Aristotle


With that said, Ike will be here on Wednesday (6.19) to share the AWESOMENESS of Progenex with us!

All Levels – AM
JoJo 20:16
Sarah & Sissy 22:06
Gage 17:15
JV & Janice 22:11
Lee & Jeff 20:50
Michael & Ballet 18:56
Jillian & Tow Matt 20:15
Joe & Ed 19:49
Silas & Dario 21:42
Charlie & Brian & Jeff 19:40
Veronica & Suzi & Leah 22:01
Kiehl & Anna & Lulu 21:27
All Levels – Noon 
Chris & Miller 19:44
Jessica & Avtar 20:30
Cameron & Gil 19:30
Evan & Raj 22:37
Lance & Dayna 17:18