WOD 6/15
Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2 x 1:00
Partner Hamstrings Stretch 2-3 Rounds
6 Sets
4 Stiff Leg Deadlifts
Rest :30
4 Weighted Dips
Rest :30
*Post Weights to comments
4 Rounds
5 Front Squats
3 Jerks
100 M Sprint
Rest 1:00
*Use a weight that is challenging, but allows you to finish lifts without dropping bar, increase each round if necessary
*Weight and time recorded
If you start to take Vienna, take Vienna. -Napoleon Bonaparte
– New Oly Classes with Coach Chad start tomorrow
– CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th
– Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
– 2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd
AM Results | |
Nick | 5:29 (135lb) |
Chaz | 6:42 (95lb, Row) |
Trey | 5:42 (65lb) |
Ray | 5:50 (95lb) |
Tristy | 5:55 (95lb) |
Walker | 6:35 (65lb) |
Kristin | 8:11 (45lb) |
Stephen | 5:29 (95lb) |
PM Results | |
Jables | 5:40 (65lb) |
Cat | 5:50 (55lb) |
Charlie | 6:00 (95lb) |
Tasha | 5:46 (45lb) |
Liz | 6:22 (65lb) |
John D. | 6:01 (85lb) |
Mel | 5:49 (35lb) |
Shanan | 5:42 (65lb) |
Rene | 5:30 (65lb) |
Claire | 5:48 (55lb) |
“G” | 5:56 (65lb) |
Winner | 5:50 (55lb) |
Stacey | 5:40 (95lb) |
Mark | 6:39 (45lb) |
Betsy | 5:47 (75lb) |
Jess | 6:15 (75lb) |
Rob | 5:16 (135lb) |
Jerry | 6:08 (115lb) |
Fro | 6:06 (110lb) |
Blake | 5:30 (135lb) |
Carissa | 5:27 (60lb) |
Sleeves | 5:29 (135lb) |
Neal | 5:40 (135lb) |
Alex | 5:47 (95lb) |