WOD 6/16

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2 x 1:00
Partner Hamstrings Stretch 2-3 Rounds

8 sets
2 Back Squats
:30 Rest
4 Weighted Chin-ups (Do 6 sets on the Chins, start after 2nd set of Back Squats
:30 Rest


3 Rounds
5 Hang Power Cleans
10 Push-ups
300 M Sprint
Rest 2:00
*Use a weight that is challenging, but allows you to finish the reps unbroken, increase each round if necessary
*Weight and time recorded

The more you can dream, the more you can do. -Michael Korda

Fridge to Plate in 20 minutes

New Oly Classes with Coach Chad start today!
CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd

AM Results
Nick 8:21 (165lb)
Chaz 9:01 (45lb, Row)
Trey 8:25 (83lb)
Stephen 9:21 (110lb, Row)
Michelle 10:30 (55lbs)
Tow Matt 9:15 (110 lb)
Laura 11:11 (55 lb, K)
Jables 9:51 (60 lb)
JJ 10:29 (85lb)
Arnie 11:45 (85 lb, K)
PM Results
Patrick 9:09 (110 lb)
Betsy 9:31 (85 lb)
Melanie 9:51 (45 lb, K)
Tasha 9:39 (35 lb)
Cat 10:16 (60 lb)
Winner 10:02 (55 lb, K)
The Beast 9:15 (45 lb)
Mark 10:59 (45 lb)
Schittone 11:33 (45 lb, K)
LV 9:02 (35 lb, K)
Sleeves 8:14 (140 lb)
Darlene 9:35 (45 lb, K)
Cody 8:52 (145 lb)
Aubrey 9:53 (55 lb, K)
Anthony 11:32 (50 lb)
Jordan 11:51 (45 lb, K)
On Ramp
Darren 7:15