WOD 6/16

1A. 20 Minutes on the Minute
1-3 Handstand Push-ups (Hardest scale possible)
3-5 Russian Swings (32K, 24K)
*Total reps recorded


B1. DB Push Press x5x5 rest :90
B2. DB RDL’s x5x5 rest :90
*Post DB weight to comments

Yet, taught by time, my heart has learned to glow for other’s good, and melt at other’s woe. -Homer

Top 10
*Post your top ten to the comments

-Murph Day pictures have been posted
-Free YOGA at CFA!  Sundays at 4:00pm, Colleen will be hosting a Yoga class at CFA.  Sign up
– June 23rd is HAPPY HOUR at
Little Woodrows at 7:00pm for Steak Night!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”,  Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar.  Sign up
here to attend.
– Livestrong Fundraiser and WOD in honor of Colleen Legge’s 5 year cancer-versary!
Go here to donate and participate, and reserve your time slot here!

AM Results
Jesse 111 (KPPU)
MG Jenny 160 (SPPU, 16k)
Tall D 160 (PPU, 24k)
Jenny 157 (KPPU, 16k)
PM Results
Coy 160 (KPPU, 16k)
G 160 (KPPU, 20k)
Kristin 133 (ROM, 24k)
Winner 160 (KPPU, 20k)
Nikki 145 (ROM, 24k)
LG 150 (45lb Press, 16k)
Lance 150 (PPU, 24k)
Sanchez 160 (KPPU, 20k)
Jeanette 160 (20lb MOD, 20k)
Debbie 280 (MOD)
Schittone ?
Sean 132 (PPU, 24k)
Eric 121 (ROM, 24k)
JV 160 (PPU, 12k)
Ryan 160 (PPU, 32k)
Huston 160 (PPU, 24k)
On Ramp
Cheyenne 6:22
Ty 6:20
Yvonne 5:14
Mark 9:36