WOD 6/17

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2 x 1:00
Partner Hamstrings Stretch 2-3 Rounds

Rest 2:00 Minutes between sets
*Post loads to comments


40 Walking Lunges (35 lb, 20 lb)
10 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges (35 lb, 20 lb)
20 Double Unders
20 Walking Lunges (35 lb, 20 lb)
30 Double Unders
10 Walking Lunges (35 lb, 20 lb)
40 Double Unders
*Time recorded

The great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do. -Walter Bagehot

How to handle shift work

CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd

AM Results  
Nick 5:49 Rx
Ray 13:32 Rx
Rob 10:27 Rx
JJ 13:07 (12k, S)
Charlie 9:59 (30 lb)
Kristin 8:11 (MOD)
Laura 10:55 (S)
On Ramp  
Ray 5:58 (8:17)
Joy 6:06 (8:44)
PM Results  
Tasha 10:34 (15lb, S)
Liz 13:32 (S)
Stacey 6:36 Rx
Betsy 9:21 Rx
Ryan 11:32 (20lb, S)
“G” 9:35 Rx
Claire 10:37 (15lb,S)
Ainsley 10:50 (15lb, S)
Patrick 11:40 (S)
John D. 11:08 (S)
Jess 11:18 (20lb)
Winner 10:48 (S)
Aaron 13:53 (30lb, S)
Mark 13:12 (20lb, S)
L.V. 10:34 (S)
Sleeves 8:07 Rx
Darlene 9:35 (S)
Jordan 13:10 (15lb, S)
On Ramp  
Spencer 3:48