WOD 6/17



Murph 07.06.2013 

CrossFit Austin will be hosting Murph on Saturday (7.6.2013) honoring the memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy and all fallen veterans. This event is open to everyone (no membership required), teams are welcome, and heats will start at 8am. All proceeds will be donated to the Navy Seal Foundation (aside from t-shirt costs). Registration closes on 6.21.2013. Donations are welcome up until the date of the event!
Click here for more details!

This event will also mark the beginning of our Friends&Family Event. During this event,  CFA will host classes at 6:30am and 6:30pm on  Tuesday (7.9) and on Thursday (7.11) for F&F to come and join in on all the fun!  Click Here To Register! 

– Week 6 of 8 Power / Lactate Endurance Week
A. Power Clean & Jerk x2x4@55-75%, x1x4@80-85% Rest 90 sec
B. RDL x6x3 Rest 1:00

6 Rounds:
100m Hill Skips for Height w/ walk back recovery

Jump Progressions (Ankle Bounce, Pogo, rocket,  box jumps)

20:00 Minutes
10 Box Jump w/ Step Down
10 Push-ups
10 MB Deadlift
10 KB Swings
400 M Run
*Rounds recorded

liz Pan ams

CONGRATULATIONS to Liz Yankiver for competing and bringing home the bronze medal at this weekend’s Pan American Championship!!

Thomas Snatch Illustration

Notes from this Saturday’s Snatch Skill Session!


Foundations – AM
Monica 4 (mod)
Humberto 2
Tineke 4
Josh 2
Silas 3.25
Whitney 2.5
Performance – AM
Jeff 175
Jamie 90
Carlos 115
Mitch 145
Ken 135
Bigspoon 175
Sissy 70
MegO 80
Todd 205
Gwar 135
Ed 115
Page 165
Ballet 135
Jose 115
Ryan 135
Ruth 35
Red 55
Nelly 55
Melissa 50
Ray 175
Performance – PM
Kevin 150
Josie 65
Patrick 155
Eric 155
Evan 125
Jon 165
Gabriel 125
Erica 115
Gil 155
Boone 215
ABC 105
Jake 155
Kat 85
AG 225
Coco 75
Evil 95
Kristin 55
Robert 145
Patrick 165
Chris 155
Can2 215
Amber 95
Mr. T 225
Jillian 95
Sadie 65
Sanchez 215
KJ 85
Nicole 85
Eric 145
Foundations – PM
Ed 2.8
Betsy 2.8
Sean 3.2
Madison 2.8
Lulu 2.95
David 3.6
Ana 3.6
Cassie 3.8
Amanda 4.4
Paul 4.4
Brennan 4
Sindy 3
Kellie 4.5
Joe 3.1
Chase 5
Esteban 4.5
Amy 3.25