WOD 6/18

Performance – Week 6 of 8 Power / Lactate Endurance Week
A. Front Squat x3x3@RPE 8-9 Rest 2:00
3 Rounds of 1 min AMRAP
6 Deadlift 115#, 95#
6 Sprawls
Rest 3 min (1 min Rest, 45 sec R Plank, 45 sec L Plank, 30 sec rest)
Rest 5 mins
3 Rounds of 1 min AMRAP
6 DB/KB Squat Jumps
3 Pull ups
Rest 3 min (1 min Rest, 1 min Front Plank, 1 min Rest)
*Record Total Completed Rounds of B and C

Foundations  (Test)
Kip Pull-ups
EMOM alternating for 16:00
2-4 Kip Pull-ups
2-4 Push-ups
Wall Ball
No Push up Burpees
*Time recorded

“When you’re a beautiful person on the inside, there is nothing in the world that can change that about you.” -Sasha Azevedo

Ade and Nicole

Foundations – AM
Lia 6:48
Maryhelen 8:14
Maureen 7:41
Vincent 7:15
Steve 7:13
Lisa 6:30
Hang 8:44
Marissa 4:45
Zach 6:40
Silas 7:30
Performance – AM
9AM 3.5 8
Gage 8 9
Tineke 5.5 7
Kara 6 9
Carlos 7.5 8
Jeff 8 10
Joe Dan 6 7.5
JV 6 6
Red 5 6
Ryan 7 9
Tow Matt 7 8
Gwar 6.5 8
Jose 6 8
Jillian 6 9
Diana 4 7
Brian 7.5 10
Ed 7 7.5
Michael 7.5 9.5
Mr. T 6 7
Patrick 4 6
Michele 6 7
Ray 8 12
Ladies Class
Foundations – NOON
Ruffino 8:23
Mercy 9:20
Madison 8:36
Kristen 9:04