WOD 6/22

All Levels
A1. Band Hip Extensions x6 x4 Rest :45
A2. American KB Swings x8x4 Rest :45
A3. Power Clean RPE 7 x3x4 Rest :45

12:00 AMRAP
7/leg Back Rack Step-ups/leg (95#,65#)
7 Box Jumps
7 Pull ups
100m Run

What is your Psoas and why should you care?
*Post thoughts to comments

“The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender.” – Vince Lombardi


  • Thank you to everyone who came out this weekend and participated in Murph Day 2012! Together, we raised over $1000! Pictures can be found here and on facebook.
  • Thank you, also, to everyone who came out to Darlene’s Paleo Potluck Fundraiser! Go Darlene – we can’t wait to cheer for you in Cali!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members starting this week through the end of July! Learn more here
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here

AM – All Levels
Big Spoon 5 Rx
Dixie 3 (35lb, RR)
Sean 3 Rx
Ivan 4 Rx
Pam 3 (35lb, j)
Suzi 4 (35lb, j)
Valyn MOD
Michele 3 (35lb, j)
Keith 4 Rx
Schittone 5 (75lb)
Gwar 4 Rx
Caitlin 4 (45lb, j)
Linda 3 (35lb, j)
Jeff 4 Rx
Christina 3 (j)
MT 4 Rx
Denise 4 (35lb, j)
Walker 4 (35lb)
Mer 3 (37lb, j)
Dusty 4 (45lb, j)
Heather 4 (45lb, j)
Ronnie 2 (MOD)
12P – All Levels
Billy 4 (75lb)
Randy 3 (45lb)
Odindu 4 Rx
Murray 3 (15lb, j)
Colleen 5 (j)
Jenna 5 (35lb, j)
Angela 5 (35lb, j)
Jennifer 3 (25lb, j)