WOD 6/23
A1. Strict Chest to Bar Chin-ups x2-4×7 @ 30×2 rest :30
A2. Max height box jumps x7 rest :30
A3. Strict toes to bar x2-4×7 rest :90
B1. Heavy russian swings x3-5×5 rest :30
B2. Partner GH Raise x3-5×5 rest :30
B3. Half V-ups x5/side x5 rest 1:00
*Post notes to comments
Friendship is one mind in two bodies. -Mencius
Feel Happier by the end of the day
*Post thoughts to comments
– TONIGHT is HAPPY HOUR at Little Woodrows at 7:00pm for Steak Night!
– June 25th, CFA will be hosting Mark Sisson’s, author of “The Primal Blueprint”, Primal Accelerated Success Training seminar. Sign up here to attend.
– Livestrong Fundraiser and WOD in honor of Colle Legge’s 5 year cancer-versary! Go here to donate and participate, and reserve your time slot here!
AM | |
David | |
Fay | |
Jessica | |
MEgo | |
MGJ | |
Dana | |
Walker | |
Sam | |
Mike S. | |
Colleen | |
PM Results | |
“G” | |
Ryan | |
Amy | |
Tasha | |
Jables | |
Jenny | |
Blake | |
Eric | |
Lance | |
Danny | |
Carissa | |
J.V. | |
Turk | |
Jennifer | |
Elena | |
Young | |