WOD 6/25

Level Two
2-2-2-2-2 Cleans
*Find a Heavy Double in 15 Minutes

6-Round Partner WOD
100m Row
5 Box Jumps (30”, 24”)
Rest 1:00
*Record time
*Both Partners do all 6 rounds: One partner performs exercise while the other waits. Partners cannot move on to the next exercise ’til both finish previous exercise.

Extra Credit:
Back Squat x2x4 @ 80% Rest 2:00

Level One (Day 6)
Front Squats

A. Lift off+DL x3+2×3 Rest :90
B. Front Squat x4x3 @ 32X3 Rest :45
C1. Unweighted Step-ups x6/leg x2 Rest :45
C2. Chin-ups x6-12×2 Rest :45

What America Spends On Groceries
*Post thoughts to comments

“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man’s determination.” – Tommy Lasord


  • Thank you to everyone who participated in Murph Day 2012! Together, we raised over $1000! Pictures can be found here and on facebook.
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members starting this week through the end of July! Learn more here
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here

AM – Level 1
Andrew S
Bradley S
Jeff S
Alex S
Salina S
Paiman S
Mike S
Jesse S
AM – Level 2
Charlie/Doug/Mike (2007m)
Leah/MegO (1351m)
Pam/Eileen (1500m)
Kristin/Keith (1490m)
Sean/Michael/Ballet 14:54
Jenna/Jackie 16:27
Chaz/9AM 17:02
Ray/Money 15:45
MT/Russell 14:40
Michele/Ronnie 17:45
Dusty/Walker 15:15
Gary/George/Aaron 16:05
Christina/Linda 18:04
12P – Level 2
Sherman/Blake 13:00 (MOD)
Wood/Jeff 14:38
Sarah/Haley 15:31
Angela/Mer 17:03
German/E-Rod 15:09
PM – Level 2
Marissa 14:15
Ryan/Shemo 15:17
Dillard/EJ 15:45
Stormye/Wade 16:04
JJ/Elena 17:05
Andy/Sanchez 16:37
Missy/Denise 17:31
Mr. T/Cowboy 15:26
KT/Shug/Desiree 15:31
Veronica/Raquel 16:16
Place/Paul 16:14
PM – Level 1
Kevin S
Marc S
Connor S
Jeanette S
Billy S
Diana S
Amy S
Liip S
Melissa K S
Ice-E S
Jennifer R S
Angel S
Derek S