WOD 6/25
A. In 15:00 work to a challenging Double in the Front Squat
B. Max Reps @ 80% of Today’s Double @ 20X1
*no excessive pause at the top take a breath, brace, and head back down. Make sure depth is not cut short.
C1. CGBP x Max Reps @ 75 % of BP x2 Rest :30
C2. Dumbbell Power Clean + Dumbbell Walking Lunge x10+5/leg x 2 Rest :90
A. In 15:00 work to a challenging Double in the Front Squat
B. Max Reps @ 90% of Today’s Double @ 20X1
*no excessive pause at the top take a breath, brace, and head back down. Make sure depth is not cut short.
C. Teach Proper Push-up progression
2 Rounds
Max Reps Push-ups
5 DB Walking Lunge / Leg
**Extra Credit**
Accumulate 3:00 in a Ring Support Hold
“The most important thing is to enjoy your life – to be happy – it’s all that matters.”-Audrey Hepburn