WOD 6/29
All Levels
A1. Band Hip Extensions x6 x4 Rest :45
A2. American KB Swings x8x4 Rest :45
A3. Power Clean @ x2x4 RPE 7-8 Rest 2:00
A4. Max Consecutive Double-Unders(3 attempts total)
8:00 AMRAP
10 Speed Skaters
10 Push Press (95lb, 75lb)
100m Run
The Zen of the Barbell
*Post thoughts to comments
”Strength is a matter of a made up mind.” – John Beecher
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AM – All Levels | |
Kristin | 4 Rx |
Guthrie | 5 Rx |
Sean | 4 Rx |
Big Spoon | 4 Rx |
VC | 2.6 (55lb) |
Ivan | 5 Rx |
Turk | 6 Rx |
Liip | 5 Rx |
Ballet | 4 Rx |
Jeff | 4 Rx |
Schittone | 4 (85lb) |
Caitlin | 4 (45lb) |
Mrs. Fro | 4 (55lb) |
Fro | 5 Rx |
Valyn | 4 (55lb) |
Ronnie | 3 (35lb) |
Mer | 4 (50lb) |
Michelle | 5 (50lb) |
Suzi | 4 (43lb) |
Desiree | 5 (45lb) |
E-Rod | 4 (75lb) |
12P – All Levels | |
Jamey | 4 Rx |
Colleen | 5 (65lb) |
Blake | 6 Rx |
Erin | 4 Rx |
Billy | 5 Rx |