WOD 6/6

Level Two
A1. Kneeling MB Chest Pass & Catch (Partner) x8x4 Rest :30
A2. Kneeling MB Soccer Throw & Catch (Partner) x8x4 Rest :30
A3. Lateral Wall Walks (10ft) x1x4 Rest 1:00

4 Rounds Partner WOD
Row 400m/Run 400m
30 Goblet Squat (24kg, 16kg)
30 Squat Jumps*Record Time

Level One (Day 11)

Knee to Elbows/Toes to Bar
Box jumps

7 Minute AMRAP

7 Box Jumps (step down)
7 Push-ups
21 Singles
*Total completed rounds + additional reps recorded

Training Mistakes
*Post thoughts to comments

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” – Robert Kennedy


  • TONIGHT: CFA will have a Happy Hour this Wednesday, June 6th at 7pm at Little Woodrows in South Park Meadows. Learn more here.
  • Murph Day is coming on June 16th! Have you signed up? Learn more here!
  • Starting June 5th, Olympic Lifting Coach Chad Vaughn will begin offering Noon classes at CFA! Get in on the action here!

AM – Level 1
IceE 3
Abbi 4
Money 4
AM – Level 2
JP + Mike 13:59
Sparker + Natalia 16:50
Big Spoon + Kristin 16:21
Eileen + JV 16:14
Nicole + LaRosa 16:55
Jenna + Jo 14:52
Becky + Natalie 16:59
Tow Matt + Schittone + 9AM 16:56
Thurst + Heather 19:54
Michele + Christina + Gary 15:54
12P – Level 2
Mer + Jenny + Dayna 16:36
Jess + Jeff 15:17
PM – Level 2
Jeff P + Ed 18:38
Randy + Bryan 16:33
Melissa + VC + Denise 17:04
Beast + Colleen + Desiree 16:59
E-Rod + ABC 17:27
Gold + Parnell 14:42
Wood + Corey 15:11
Gwar + Cowboy 17:34
JJ + Elena 15:16
Stormye + Andy 18:40
Missy + C2 20:05
Place + Raquel + Jennifer 19:17
PM – Level 1
Jeanette 4
Chad 4
Alan 4
Andrew 4
Jillian 4
Heather 4
Amy 4
Izzy 3
German 4
John T 3
Chotky 2
Vanessa 2
Omar 4
Patti 5
Jorge 2
Juke 4
Jennifer 3