WOD 7/11

Level Two
A1. Partner Over/Under MB Pass x10/partner x3 Rest :30
A2. Kneeling MB Chest Pass & Catch (Partner) x10/partner x3 Rest :30
A3. Crossover Lunge to Lateral Lunge x5/Side x 3 Rest :30
B1. Dynamic Horizontal Ring Row (Hollow Body to Extension) x5x3 Rest :30
B2. Pistols x3/leg x 3 Rest :30
B3. Sumo Double KB DLs x10 x 3 Rest :30

Toes to Bar
American KB Swings @ 24K , 16K
*Time recorded

Extra Credit
Kneeling Paloff Press x10-15/side x 2

Level One (Day 13)
Field Trip to Level Two!

Tips for a Healthy Summer
*Post thoughts to comments

“Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson


  • Good luck to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price as she heads to compete in the CrossFit Games this weekend!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
  • TOMORROW: CFA will have a  Happy Hour (Thursday, 7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!
AM – Level 1
Bradley 6:08
AJ 5:56 Rx
Jesse 8:48 (32k, KTE)
Paiman 7:51 (KTE)
Mike R 7:38 (16, KTE)
Victoria 8:02 (KTE)
AM – Level 2
Eileen 10:24
JV 9:07
Jackie 9:21
Sparker 7:47
Mike 8:20 Rx
Michael 7:18 Rx
Paul 7:41
Tow Matt 7:34 Rx
Stephen 7:29 Rx
Liip 7:02 Rx
Gary 7:34 (20lb)
KT 7:29 (12lb, KTE)
MT 5:20 Rx
Amy  –
David M 5:46 Rx
Joseph 12:51 (MOD)
Russell 6:37 Rx
Money 8:48 (16k, KTE)
12P – Level 2
Lauren 7:10
Parnell 5:45 Rx
Colleen 7:38 (16k, KTE)
Pinky 6:22 (16K, KTE)
E-Rod 7:18
PM – Level 1 & 2
Ed 12:47
Kristin 9:35
Marc 9:13
Jen 7:14
Jennifer 7:26
Damon 9:15
Amy W 8:49
Krista 6:59
LG 9:06
Melissa 5:52
Ashley 6:45
Dillard 5:17 Rx
ABC 8:29
Stormye 8:30
Sameer 10:38 Rx
Joia 7:42
Danielle T 7:00
Mike G 6:13 Rx
Salina 10:51
Denise 5:21
James 7:00
John DNF
Fernando 7:42
LaRosa 6:30
Chrissy 6:43
Missy 5:50
C2 7:45 Rx
Alyson 9:57
Rachel 7:17
Laurel 6:17
Lane 5:24 Rx
Patti 7:53 Rx
Omar 7:45
Evil 9:06 Rx
Andy 7:41
Desiree 7:19
Holly 5:34 Rx
Collins 7:53
Alan 7:43
Gold 5:11 Rx
Kavi 8:18 Rx