WOD 7/12
Level Two
A. Press x3x5 @ 85-90% RPE 9-10 Rest 3:00
B. Squat x3x5 @ 80-90% Rest 3:00
C. DL Cluster x1.1.1 x4 @ 85-90% Rest :30 btwn reps, 2:00 btwn sets
Extra Credit
D1. Deficit DLs x6x3 @ 50% Rest :30
D2. Ring Push-up x15x3 Rest :30
D3. Strict TTB x5x3 Rest :30
*Add MB btwn legs, if possible
Level One (Day 1)
5:00 Minute AMRAP
100 M Run
5 Push-ups
100 M Run
5 Squats
*Record total rounds
The Sunscreen Smokescreen
*Post thoughts to comments
“The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person’s determination.” – Tommy Lasorda
- Good luck to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price as she heads to compete in the CrossFit Games this weekend!
- Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
- Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
- We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
- TODAY: CFA will have a Happy Hour (Thursday, 7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!
AM – Level 1 | |
Lisa | 5 |
Kelly | 6 |
Jeff | 8 |
Jacob | 10 |
Alex | 4 |
Jessie | 7 |
Robert | 4 |
AM – Level 2 | |
Ivan | |
JV | |
Keith | |
LaRosa | |
Liip | |
Money | |
Leah | |
Becky | |
JP | |
Doug | |
Big Spoon | |
Gwar | |
Michael | |
Beast | |
9AM | |
Paul | |
Irl | |
Thurst | |
Jenny | |
MT | |
Todd | |
Laila | |
Fro | |
Mrs Fro | |
Russell | |
Gary | |
MegO | |
Christina | |
AM – Ladies’ | |
Pinky | |
Heather | |
12P – Level 1 | |
Marc | 4 |
49er | 4 |
Alan | 5 |
Avtar | 4 |
Anne | 3 |
Snick | 3 |
PM – Level 2 | |
Kristin | |
Shug | |
Sanchez | |
Andy | |
Erin | |
Jeff | |
Boone | |
Helen | |
Monk | |
Brittani | |
Kiehl | |
Melissa | |
Ed | |
Daniel | |
Sean | |
Marissa | |
Eric F | |
C2 | |
Holly | |
Liz G | |
Adrian | |
Chrissy | |
PM – Level 1 | |
Billy | 5 |
Jen | 3 |
Dixie | 2 |
Araceli | 4 |
Twin | 4 |
Evil | 5 |
Omar | 3 |
Joia | 5 |