WOD 7/13

30 Goblet Squats (55 lbs, 35 lbs)
10 Pull-ups
15 Goblet Squats (55 lbs, 35 lbs)
15 Pull-ups
10 Goblet Squats (55 lbs, 35 lbs)
30 Pull-ups

Most great men and women are not perfectly rounded in their personalities, but are instead people whose one driving enthusiasm is so great it makes their faults seem insignificant.– Charles A. Cerami

The Run


AM Results  
Linda 4:29 (15lb ROM, Ring Rows)
Will 7:42 (35lb, Jump)
Megan 4:03 (20lb, Jump)
Jennie 7:31 (20lb, Blue Band)
Laura 5:50 (20lb, Jump)
Rob 5:20 Rx
Blake 7:28 Rx
Lyzz 5:11 (Jump)
Kristin 10:25 (White Band)
Daniel 7:36 Rx
PM Results  
Tara 6:20 (Jump)
Boone 6:06 Rx+20 lb Vest
Erica 5:20 (15 lb, Jump)
Betsy 4:44 (Blue Band)
Walker 6:11 Rx
Chris 6:25 (35 lb, Jump)
Ally 5:51 (15 lb, Jump)
Sheena 5:44 (20 lb, Jump)
Fernie 4:46 Rx
Smeth 4:40 Rx
Keir 5:35 Rx
Stephen 6:43 Rx
Boice 5:20 Rx
Lauren 5:34 (Jump)
Ashley  6:47 (Jump)
Jersey 4:05 (40 15# WB, 500 M Row)
Keira  3:36 (40 Squats, 400 M Run)
Eileen  3:48 (40 Squats, 400 M Run)
DS Results   3RM Clean   MetCon
Brianne   80lb   10:15
Tina   70lb   12:24
Kristen   55lb   13:32
Paige   85lb   12:50