WOD 7/15

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45

Make -Up Day/Skill Day

Choose one from the following:
Mondays: Wall Balls and Clusters
Tuesdays: Chins, Dips, and Deads
Wednesday: Double Under Love

Skill Themes:
Double Unders
Front Squats
Handstands/Handstand Push-ups

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt. -Mark Twain

Over analyzing?

– Reminder Today’s 7:30 AM class will be assessments only, I will also be doing assessments at 4:30 PM
–  The CrossFit Games finals will be live streamed online all weekend, check it out here

Are you a Warrior?  A new challenge is coming…. more Tomorrow, and Monday!

AM Results
Ray 8:41 (MOD) 7/13
Chaz 9:18 Rx 7/13
Walker 10:22 (Jump) 7/13
Steph 7:21 (6lb) 7/12
Trey 13:17 (S) 7/14
PM Results
Chris 8:32 Rx 7/12
Betsy 7:25 Rx 7/12
Stacey 6:55 Rx+24K 7/12
Shanan 7:07 Rx 7/12
Patrick 11:46 Rx 7/13
Julie 11:37 (Jump, 12″) 7/13
Mark Skill
Blake 11:38 Rx 7/14
Nick Skill
Cari Skill
Fro Skill
LV Skill
On Ramp
Eddie 7:59
Andrew 7:40
David 6:54
Skipper 8:22