WOD 7/16

Level Two
A. Clean and Jerk x1x5 @ 90-95%, RPE 8-9 Rest 3:00
B. Clean Lift offs x5x4 @ 75-80% of Max Clean Rest :60

Dumbell Jackie
1K Row
45 DB Thrusters (35 lb, 20 lb)
30 Pull-ups

Extra Credit
GH Raises x5x2
DB Hip Thrusts x5x2

Level One (Day 2)


300 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Abmat Sit-ups (hands above head)
200 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Abmat Sit-ups (hands above head)
100 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Abmat Sit-ups (hands above head)
*Time Recorded

Is Sugar More Trouble Than It’s Worth?
*Post thoughts to comments

“Depend not on fortune, but on conduct.” – Publilius Syrus


  • Congratulations to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price for her incredible performance in the CrossFit Games this weekend! #dapriceisAMAZING!!!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
AM – Level 1
J Mo 8:22
Victoria 8:25
Jeff 6:41
Jacob 6:53
Jessie 7:35
AJ 7:01
Paiman 8:32
Bradley 6:34
J Snider 9:42
Mike R 9:42
Robert 11:16
AM – Level 2
Doug 8:10 (25lb)
Charlie 9:10 (25lb)
Leah 9:11 (10lb)
Jackie 10:41 (15lb)
Shug 9:48 (15lb)
Sparker 10:18 (15lb)
Jeff 10:48 Rx
Gwar 12:35 Rx
Ronnie 13:23 (10lb)
Caitlin 11:31 (15lb)
KT 11:13 (15lb, J)
Walker 10:04 (10lb)
Gary 11:56 (20lb)
12P – Level 2
Mer 11:2 (10lb, J)
Stephen 12:44 Rx
Jables 11:39 (15lb, J)
Cat 12:17 (20lb, J)
Jenna 10:13 (15lb, Band)
Colleen 10:41 (15lb, J)
PM – Level 2
Dillard 9:12 Rx
JP 9:16 Rx
Ed 13:14 (20lb, J)
Melissa 12:10 (10lb, J)
Erin 11:13 Rx
Kristin 12:10 Rx
Randy 12:17 (25lb)
Monk 12:45 (25lb, J)
LG 17:59 Rx
Wade 11:03 Rx
Betsy 14:12
Desiree 12:40 (10lb, J)
Ryan 13:16 Rx
Pam 12:12 (10lb, J)
Jeanette 11:16
Amy 10:31 (5lb, J)
Sanchez 12:39 (30lb)
Money 11:33 (15lb, J)
E-Rod 12:15 (20lb, J)
Schittone 10:42 (20lb)
Alyson 12:12 (10lb, J)
Rachel 11:33 (10lb, J)
Holly 10:25 (J)
Brittani 8:58 (10lb, J)
Missy 10:25 (10lb, J)
C2 10:24 (10lb, J)
LaRosa 10:12 (15lb, J)
Crash 10:51 (15lb, J)
Sean 10:14 (30lb)
ABC 13:03 (20lb)
PM – Level 1
Billy 6:44
German 7:18
Diana 6:51
Jack 7:29
Marc 6:50
Derek 9:56
Krista 7:44
Kevin 6:24
Jesus 8:43
Daniella 8:54
Araceli 8:30
Avtar 8:30
James 8:13
49er 8:18
Izzy 8:55
Dixie 9:38
Juke 7:58