WOD 7/2

A. Build to a Challenging single in Hang Squat Clean 10:00

B. E202  (Every 2:00 on the 2:00)
Hang Squat Clean x3x5 @ 75% of Today

C.Front Squat x1w/ :03 Pause +2 normal Temp x 4 Sets @ 90% of best Clean
Back Squat x5x1 @ 100% of best clean
Rest :90-2:00

D. Bench Press x3x3 @ 85%
CGBP x5x2 @ 75-80%
Rest :90-2:00

A. Hip + Hang Squat Clean (6-12 sets including progressions)

B. Front Squat x1w/ :03 Pause +2 normal Tempo x 5 Sets by Feel Rest :90-2:00

C. Push-ups x5-10×3

**Extra Credit**
Accumulate 3:00 Chin Over Bar Hold

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” -John C. Maxwell