WOD 7/22
Performance – Week 3 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base Focus
A1. Snatch Complex (Power Snatch+Snatch PP+Snatch DL) x1+2+3 x5 rest :60
*:02 Pause in OVHD Position
A2. Goblet Lateral Lunge x5/leg x5 Rest :45
*Load with plate, DB, or KB
2 Rounds
6:00 AMRAP
3 Power Snatches @ 95 lbs, 65 lb
5 OVHD Squats @ 95 lbs, 65 lb
10 Unweighted Walking Lunges (total)
200 M Run
Rest 2:00
*Rounds Recorded, goal is to move consistently and unbroken through as many reps as possible
C. DB Hip Thrust 20 Reps @ :03 Pause at the top
*Record Complex Weight and Total rounds of B
Hip Clean Progression
EMOM alternating for 10:00
Even: 1-3 Hip/Hang Clean
Odd: 3-5 Dips
3 Rounds
300m Run
12 Push ups
12 Ring Rows
*Weight and Time Recorded
The Habits of Happiness
*Post thoughts to comments
“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama
Foundations – AM | |
Humberto | 10:11 |
John | 13:39 |
Monica | 11:40 |
Angelica | 12:10 |
Chris | 9:09 |
Joseph | 7:20 |
Performance – AM | |
Big Spoon | 5 |
Bradley | 7.25 |
Todd | 6.25 |
Sam | 5 |
Mitch | 5.75 |
Ivan | 5 |
Kara | 6.25 |
Janet | 5.75 |
Tineke | 5.75 |
Kristi | 6 |
MegO | 5 |
Janice | 5.75 |
Ballet | 6.75 |
Jeff | 6.5 |
Tow Matt | 5.25 |
Michele | 4.75 |
Roland | 5 |
Silas | 5 |
Jose | 5 |
Ryan | 6.25 |
Ed | 5 |
Mer | 6 |
Ian | 7.75 |
Performance – Noon | |
Dixie | 4 |
Wood | 6.25 |
Dayna | 6.95 |
Ginny | 4 |
Pat | 5.75 |
Foundations – PM | |
Benz | 9:59 |
Sean | 5:22 |
Gen | 8:19 |
Crystal | 6:08 |
Emily | 7:42 |
Jillian | 9:42 |
Ben | 6:06 |
Kristan | 8:02 |
Amanda | 6:13 |
Joe | 6:09 |
David | 7:36 |
Dipti | 8:26 |
Amy | 9:54 |
Krista | 6:47 |
Jessica | 8:41 |
Daniela | 10:00 |
Performance – PM | |
ABC | 5 |
Sarah | 5 |
Sean | 5 |
Gabriel | 5 |
Jeri | 4 |
Kevin | 5 |
Gil | 5 |
Jables | 5 |
Spencer | 4 |
Kristin | 5 |
Ryan | 5.5 |
Jacob | 6 |
Matt | 5.5 |
Dave | 4 |
Kristin | 5 |
C2 | 5 |
Evil | 5 |
KJ | 6 |
Nicole | 6 |
Sanchez | 5 |
Mr.T | 4.75 |
Jason | 7.5 |
Phillip | 6.25 |
Shug | 4 |
Jillian | 6 |
Chris | 5 |
Velvet | 5.75 |
Desiree | 5 |
Andy | 4.5 |