WOD 7/23
Level Two
A. Clean and Jerk Cluster x1.1.1 x4 @ 70-75% Rest :30 btwn reps, 2:00 btwn sets
B. Clean Lift offs x5x3 @ 75-80% of Max Clean Rest :60
C1. 400 M Run @ 85% x 3 Rest :30
C2. Horizontal Ring Rows x10x 3 Rest :30
C3. V-ups x10 x 3 Rest :30
Extra Credit
GH Raises x5x2
DB Hip Thrusts x5x2
Level One (Day 5)
Ring Dips
Wall Balls
3 Rounds (2:00 on/ 1:00 off)
10 Wall Balls
Front Plank
*One person wall-balls while the other does a front plank
*Record Total Wall Balls
How Much Water Do You Really Need?
*Post thoughts to comments
“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.” – Oprah Winfrey
- Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
- Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
- We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
AM – Level 1 | |
Robert + AJ | 132 |
Weston + Jeff | 150 |
Kelly + Jessie | 153 |
AM – Level 2 | |
Doug | |
Can2 | |
Leigh | |
Jackie | |
Andrew | |
Tim | |
Valyn | |
TowMatt | |
Michael | |
Ballet | |
Brad | |
Schittone | |
Michele | |
Walker | |
Dusty | |
Luis | |
Christina | |
Linda | |
Mrs. Fro | |
Fro | |
Thurst | |
EJ | |
12P – Level 2 | |
Parnell | |
E-Rod | |
Blake | |
Wade | |
Mer | |
Jeff | |
Marc S | |
PM – Level 2 | |
Lane | |
Jamey | |
Danimal | |
Jeff K | |
Trixsi | |
Ed | |
Crash | |
Catilin | |
Randy | |
Erin | |
Kristin | |
Doc | |
Janss | |
Aaron | |
Nic | |
Greg | |
Gold | |
AG | |
Sean | |
George | |
Sting | |
Andy | |
Sanchez | |
ABC | |
KT | |
Leah | |
LaRosa | |
Nicole | |
Alyson | |
Rachel | |
Melissa | |
Missy | |
Denise | |
PM – Level 1 | |
Kristen + Jack | 104 |
Araceli + Jen + Snider | 180 |
Jesus + Omar | 120 |
Evil + Daniella | 90 |
49er + Krista | 116 |
James + Derek | 142 |