WOD 7/27
Level Two
A1. Row @60% x250 M x4 (Focus on perfect stroke) Rest :30
A2. Unbroken Double Unders 35-30-25-20 (3 attempts each set) Rest :30
A3. Handstand Push-ups x10-15×4 (Scale to seated DB press if needed) Rest :30
B1. Russian KB Swing x12-15×3 Rest :30
B2. Band Pull-through x6-8×3 Rest :30
B3. L-Sit Hold :20-:40×3 Rest :30
Level One (Day 11)
Toes to Bar
Jump Rope
10 Minute AMRAP
5 Toes to Bar
5 Box Jumps (Step Down)
5 Push-ups
20 Singles
For they conquer who believe they can. -John Dryden
Time in the sun
*Post thoughts to comments
– Monday, August 1st, our morning Level One Class will be canceled due to coaches flying back from the CrossFit Games in CA. The morning classes on Monday will be All Levels Classes, so feel free to sign up for any of the morning classes.
– The next round of Oly Classes starts August 4th with Chad at 3:00, 6:30 and 7:30. The 6:30 class will be for vets or folks who are already pretty proficient in the movements. Sign up here to reserve your spot.
AM Results | |
Mego | |
Chaz | S |
Nick | |
JV | |
MG Jenny | |
Erica | |
Kirk | S |
Teeny | |
Senator | |
Melicious | |
Stephen | |
Peter | |
Tall “D” | |
Yoon Sin | |
Jenny | |
Noon | |
Tasha | |
LG | |
Crash | |
Lana | |
“G” | |
Dayna | |
Betsy | |
John D. | |
Ivan | |
Jesse | |
PM Results | |
Kristin | |
Ryan | |
Sanchez | |
Stephanie | |
Stacey | |
Danny | |
Jeannette | |
Skipper | |
Christy | |
Uzi | |
Mad Dog | |
Schittone | |
Can2 | |
Turk | |
Danielle | |
Level One | |
Vanessa | 6 |
Emily | 5 |
Mark | 7 |
Mr. T | 5 |