WOD 7/27
All Levels
A1. RDL x8x3 by feel Rest :45
A2. L-Chin-ups x6-8×3 Rest :45
A3. DB Hip Thrusts x15x3 Rest :45
7 Rounds
7 UB OVHD Squats (135 lb, 95 lb)
7 Rocket Jumps
7 DB Snatches (55 lb, 35 lb)
7 Ring Rows
Paleo Athletes Uncovered: Olympic Hopeful Ursula Grobler
*Post thoughts to comments
“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they’ve got a second.” – William James
- Our interns are offering free assessments for current members for one more week! Learn more here.
- Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
- We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.

AM – All Levels | |
9AM | 17:40 |
Andrew | 16:02 |
Suzi | 13:35 |
Paiman | 19:30 |
Tow Matt | 17:38 |
Ballet | 14:38 |
Rhett | 17:25 |
Omar | 17:08 |
Michele | 17:47 |
Kristen | 14:12 |
Jackie | 15:28 |
Robert | 20:53 |
Tim | 19:39 |
James | 15:20 |
Weston | 19:28 |
Jeff | 13:15 |
Gabriel | 22:58 |
Mer | 14:11 |
Kolb | 19:43 |
Ronnie | 16:03 |
12P – All Levels | |
Jamey | 22:20 |
Erin | 23:37 |
Trixsi | 16:50 |
Kevin | 22:44 |
Brittani | 19:46 |
Araceli | 20:05 |