WOD 7/29

Clean Review


20 Minute AMRAP
400 M Run
4 Cleans
6 CTB Pull-ups
8 Touch and Go Deadlifts (Clean Weight)
10 Medball Anchored Sit-ups (20lbs, 10lbs)
*Total Rounds Recorded

Scaling for Cleans:
275+: 185
245-274: 165
225-244: 145
205-225: 135
165-204: 115
135-164: 95
95-134: 75

175+: 115
155-174: 105
135-154: 95
115-134: 80
95-114: 75
85-94: 65
75-84: 45

Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they sought. -Matsuo Basho

Watch Darlene live here at 10:40 AM and 4:20 PM (Central) #dapriceisright

– Monday, August 1st, our morning Level One Class will be canceled due to coaches flying back from the CrossFit Games in CA.  The morning classes on Monday will be All Levels Classes, so feel free to sign up for any of the morning classes. 
– The next round of Oly Classes starts August 4th with Chad at 3:00, 6:30 and 7:30.   The 6:30 class will be for vets or folks who are already pretty proficient in the movements.  Sign up
here to reserve your spot.

We are all cheering you on from the ATX this weekend, Darlene!!

AM Results
Chaz S
Kirk S
Janice 2 (35lbs, HPC, RR, 6lbs)
Nick 5 Rx
Mike 4 (105lbs, COB, 10lbs)
9am 3 (95lbs, J, 6lbs)
Can2 4 (115lbs, COB)
Erica 4 (55lbs, J, 6lbs)
Peter 4 (93lbs, J)
Mel 4 (55lbs, 10lbs)
Michael 4 MOD
Emily 2 (35lbs, J, 6)
Aaron 4 (75lbs)
Meg 2 (45lbs, J, 10lbs)
Zoom 4 (55lbs, 10lbs)
Dayna 4 (75lbs, 20lbs)
Lane 4 (75lbs)
Letty 4 (55lbs, J)
Geno 3 (135lbs)
Danielle 4 (50lbs, J)
Jesse 3 (75lbs)
Heather 3 (45lbs)
MG Jenny 3 (25lbs, J, 6lbs)
John 4 (95lbs)
Jenny 4 (55lbs, J)
Stephanie 4 (65lbs, J)
Crash 3 (47lbs, J)
Fro S