WOD 7/5
Make-up Day/Strength Day
A1. Front Squat x4x3 @ 2212 70-75% rest :30
A2. Walking Lunges x10/leg x3 Rest 1:00
B1. Snatch DL x5x3 @ 4010, 70-75% rest :45
B2. Strict Chin-ups 10-12×3 @ 20xo rest :45
B3. Seated DB Press x6-8×3 @ 2020 rest :45
– Free workout tonight at 7:00pm with Coach Walker Fenz. Sign up here to reserve your spot!
– Our Lakefront Boot Camp starts again tomorrow morning at 6:00am at AMLI South Shore! Sign up here to reserve your spot!
– Let your friends and family know that on July 23rd, they are invited to join your at our Saturday Team WOD! Everyone is welcome to come and try out CrossFit.
– Our next CrossFit Austin HAPPY HOUR will be July 26th at 7:00pm. The location is to be announced.
Patriotism is easy to understand in America. It means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.
-Calvin Coolidge
Save money, eat well with mini fridge
*post thoughts to comments
Huge thanks to everyone that came out on Saturday!
We raised over $1,500 for LIVESTRONG and celebrated the lives of some great people!
AM Results | |
MG Jenny | S |
Melicious | S |
9am | S |
Mego | S |
Ty | S |
Matthew | S |
Ginger | S |
Stephen | S |
Peter | S |
Jenny | S |
Colleen | S |
Michael | S |
Ray | S |
Nellyn | 16:28 (KR) |
Dayna | 14:27 (ROM TTB) |
Letty | S |
Emily | S |
PM Results | |
Cat | S |
Betsy | Mon, 11:52 Rx |
Stephanie | Mon, 13:00 (KR) |
Danny | S |
Fro | S |
Cody | S |
Kristen | S |
Tristy | S |
Ryan | S |
Tariq | S |
Alex | S |
Winner | S |
Elena | S |
Lance | S |
Boone | S |
Stacey | S |
Leigh | S |
Jon | S |
Blake | S |
Ryan | S |
Tariq | S |
Dain | S |
Alex | S |
Skipper | S |
Courtney | S |
Chrissy | S |
LG | S |
Heather | S |
Schittone | S |
Eric | S |
Randy | S |
Sean | S |