WOD 7/6

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
12-15 Ring Dips @ 31X1 Tempo (split into as many sets as needed) or 5 Muscle-ups/Muscle-up attempts

2 Sets
12-15 DB Split Squats per leg
:90 Rest
Hollow Rocks :45 (Fraction as needed)
:60 Rest
*Post weights, and reps per to comments


“The Chief”
5 Rounds
AMRAP in 3:00:
3 Power Cleans (135 lb, 95 lb)
6 Push-ups
9 Squats
Rest 1:00

Discipline is the soul of an army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to the weak, and esteem to all. -George Washington

More debunking of the low fat myth


AM Results  
Ryan 9 (75lb)
Ray 18 (95lb)
Nick 20 Rx
Chaz 14 (115lb)
Walker 15 (65lb)
Boone 20 Rx
John 15 (95lb)
Kristin MOD
Trey 15 (95lb)
Rob 15 Rx
Liz 12 (65lb)
On Ramp  
Maggie 7:30
David 5:19
Eddie 5:24
Andrew 4:23
PM Results  
Dave 18 (115lb)
Stacey 20 (95lb)
Betsy 14 (83lb)
Patrick 16 (115lb)
Claire 11 (55lb)
“G” 15 (65lb)
Cat 16 (65lb)
Blake 17 Rx
Shanan DFN
Aaron 12 (65lb)
Jess 15 (65lb)
Fro 16 Rx
Carissa 16 (50lb)
Karen 11 (25lb)
Michael 15 (95lb)
Sleeves 17 (115lb)