WOD 7/7

Level Two:

Skill Practice
3 Sets
6-10 Kipping Pull-ups
rest 1:00
Clean Pull-under
rest :90
*Post thoughts to comments


Lactic Power Training
5 Rounds
250 Meter Row
appx. 2:00 rest
*4-6 Toes to Bar during rest
200 Sprint or Airdyne
appx. 2:00 rest
*4-6 Overhead Squats during rest
*Slowest Run and Row recorded

Level One :

Skill Work
3 Sets
5 Step-ups
5 Frank Squats @3212
5 Waiters Bends @2020


A1. Back Squats x5x3 @32×1  rest :30
A2. Seated DB Ext. Rotation  rest 1:00
B1. DB Press x5x3  rest 1:00
B2. DB RDL x5x3 @4111  rest 1:00

Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time. -Steven Wright

Winner Speech
*Post thoughts to comments

– Let your friends and family know that on July 23rd, they are invited to join your at our Saturday Team WOD!  Everyone is welcome to come and try out CrossFit. Sign them up here for the 11:00am WOD.
– Our next CrossFit Austin HAPPY HOUR will be  July 26th at 7:00pm.  The location is to be announced.

AM Results Row Run
JV 1:10 :35
Courtney 1:05 :30
Megan 1:14 :43
Nick :49 :25
Jes 1:01 :36
Dana 1:08 :34
Heidi 1:02 :31
Ginger 1:05 :38
Macaroni :59 :29
David :50 :28
Level One
PM Results
Jables :50 :30
Crash 1:03 :33
Tasha 1:03


Winner 1:08 :33
Sanchez 1:02 :38
Clapper 1:00 :38
Beast 1:05 :31
Snooki 1:26 :38
Leigh :57 :28
Stacey 1:01 :28
Ryan :52 :30
Geno :54 :30
Jerry :58 :27
Lance :55 :33
Turk :51 :29
Young :52 :27
Schittone :57 :41
Carissa 1:08 :37
Cat 1:08 :37
Danielle 1:07 :28
Elena 1:28 :33
Kavi 1:02 :30