WOD 7/7
A. E303
Thruster x2x6 @ 85% of Best Thruster
*Accumulate 20 CTB Pull-up in sets of 2-3 during rest time.
*From the floor
B. 8 Sets
9 UB Power Snatch @ 75/45
9 Burpees over bar
in 1:00 or less
Rest remaining time + :60
*if you don’t complete under 1:00 start where you left off on previous set.
*Avg Time Recorded
A. Clean to Thruster work for 20:00
*go over progress and build up by feel
B.8 Sets
5 Hip Power Snatch
5 NPU Burpees
Rest remaining time + :60
*if you don’t complete under 1:00 start where you left off on previous set.
*Avg Time Recorded
**Extra Credit**
Accumulate 3:00 in bottom of a Ring Push-up
“Be happy with what you have and are, be generous with both, and you won’t have to hunt for happiness.” -William E. Gladstone
Foundations & Performance – AM |
Brian |
Kate |
Jessica |
Lee |
Josh |
Janet |
Melanie |
Mitch |
Adrian |
Vy |
Matthew |
Ballet |
Page |
Roland |
Jose |
Gilbert |
Jillian |
Kristi |
Megan |
Nick |
Kerri |
Dayna |
Lane |
Ray |
Mercy |
Mer |
Fro |
Danielle |
Erica |
Dustin |
Kevin |
Jenny |
All Levels – Noon |
Gil |
Shanon |
Brooks |
Giulia |
Shelby |
Mark |
Beverly |
Marco |
Foundations & Performance – PM |
LaShea |
Syd |
D |
Steph |
Jessica |
Nole |
Carrie |
Chandan |
David |
Rahul |
Joseph |