WOD 7/9

Level Two
Push Jerk Progression
A. Clean and Jerk x2x5 @ 85-90%, RPE 8-9 Rest 3:00
B. Clean Lift-offs x5x4 @ 70-75% of Clean Rest :60

3 Rounds
400 M Run
Max Set of Unbroken CTB Kip Pull-ups
Rest 5:00

Extra Credit
GH Raises x5x2
DB Hip Thrusts x5x2

Level One (Day 12)

Kettle Bell Swings
HSPU Progression

A. DL 3×5 Rest 1:00
B. FR Reverse Lunge x6-8/leg x3 Rest 1:00

The Strongest Woman In America Lives In Poverty
*Post thoughts to comments

“Start by doing what’s necessary, then what’s possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.” – Francis of Assisi


  • Good luck to our very talented and amazing Darlene Price as she heads to compete in the CrossFit Games this weekend!
  • Our interns are offering free assessments for current members now through the end of July! Learn more here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.
  • CFA will have a  Happy Hour this Thursday (7/12) @ Third Base in SPM starting at 6:30pm! Hope to see you there!

AM – Level 1
Jesse S
Jessie S
Salina S
Grisel S
Ruhlin S
Robert S
Bradley S
Paiman S
Kelly S
Evil S
Jeff C S
AM – Level 2
Leigh 1:30, 13 COB 1:36, 15 1:37, 13
Eileen 3:17, 5 KR 3:05, 10 RR 2:55, 5 RR
Sean 1:23, 7 1:20, 7 1:15, 2
Jackie 2:14, 20 RR 2:10, 10 2:05, 12 RR
Sparker 1:46, 10 RR 1:48, 5 RR 1:49, 4 RR
Can2 1:30, 7 COB 1:32, 8 COB 1:38, 8 COB
Big Spoon 1:15, 10 1:17, 8 1:18, 7
Doug 1:14, 9 1:20, 9 1:26, 9
Mike 1:42, 9 1:42, 12 1:43, 13
Tim 1:42, 12 COB 1:44, 12 COB 1:48, 7
JV 1:44, 2 1:44, 2 1:49, 1
Stephen 1:47, 6 1:33, 5 1:37, 3
Ivan 1:25, 15 1:34, 7 1:28, 10
Gwar 1:36, 8 1:35, 5 1:38, 5
Valyn 1:50, 7 RR 1:57, 8 RR  –
Michele 3:19, 7 RR 3:24, 12 RR 3:26, 15 RR
Ronnie 3:19, 7 RR 3:24, 10 RR 3:27, 5 RR
Russell 1:26, 20 1:25, 15 1:25, 12
E-Rod 1:50, 7 1:45, 7 RR 1:50, 12
EJ 1:53, 5 1:52, 6 1:32, 6
Walker 1:45, 10 1:43, 10 1:50, 10
MT 1:38, 20 1:30, 15 1:29, 12
Christina 1:38, 10 RR 2:01, 10 RR 2:07, 10 RR
Ashley 1:45, 10 RR 1:43, 9 RR 1:41, 8 RR
Nic 1:14, 23 1:14, 20 1:21, 16
Gary 1:20, 8 1:24, 6 1:35, 7
George 1:31, 10 1:28, 10 1:38, 12
Shane 1:15, 15 1:13, 13 1:26, 19
Toonie 1:16, 15 1:13, 10 1:23, 10
Erica 1:29, 10 1:32, 10 1:32, 12
Stacey 1:23, 20 1:28, 20 1:29, 17
Tristy 1:41, 4 1:44, 4 1:44, 4
12P – Level 2
Snooki 2:16, 8 1:59, 12 1:50, 14
Heather 1:35, 12 1:40, 5 1:43, 10
Mer 2:11, 20 2:05, 10 2:03, 11
Jenna 1:30, 12 1:33, 12 1:37, 12
PM – Level 2
Ed 1:53, 15 RR 1:50, 13 RR 1:53, 13
Jamey 1:36, 12 1:45, 10 1:48, 9
JP 1:25, 11 1:22, 11 1:24, 12
Blake 1:45, 12 1:55, 12 2:00, 12
Cat 2:15, 3 COB 2:08, 4 2:13, 3
Erin 1:46, 11 1:44, 10 1:44, 8
Caitlin 1:47, 10 RR 1:46, 8 RR  1:45, 6
Dan 1:08, 21 1:16, 14 1:32, 10
Randy 1:37, 4 1:48, 5 1:52, 5
Dayna 1:35, 18 1:29, 16 1:33, 15
Kristin 1:55, 12 COB 1:52, 10
Jables 1:45, 2 COB 1:49, 3 1:47, 3
Shug 2:23, 5 2L38, 5 2:38, 5
Betsy 1:59, 2 1:58, 3 2:08, 2
Ryan 1:39, 6 1:43, 7 1:51, 6
Desiree 1:58, 2 2:02, 3 2:10, 2
David 1:28, 25 1:26, 20 2:05, 10
Danny 1:21, 14 1:28, 13 1:30, 15
ABC 1:35, 6 1:30, 8 1:36, 6
Lane 1:26, 18 1:22, 15 1:26, 15
Greg 1:14, 18 1:22, 15 1:26, 15
Schittone 1:47, 10 1:52, 11 2:00, 6
Paul 1:25, 5* 1:32, 5* 1:33, 4*
Money 1:29, 6 RR* 1:33, 4 RR* 1:41, 4 RR*
Jeff 1:24, 8* 1:27, 7* 1:25, 7*
Kaz 1:25, 10 1:25, 7* 1:26, 7
Sanchez 1:35, 10 1:23, 4* 1:30, 5*
Andy 1:32, 6 1:22, 4* 1:25, 4*
Fernando 1:46, 5 1:36, 3* 1:36, 2*
Beast 1:22, 3 1:53, 3* 1:47, 4*
La Rosa 1:47, 4 RR* 1:35, 4 RR* 1:38, 3 RR*
Missy 1:52, 8 RR 1:46, 8 RR* 1:48, 8 RR*
C2 1:30, 4 RR* 1:32, 4 RR* 1:36, 5 RR*
Denise 1:50, 10 RR 1:50, 4 RR* 1:56, 10 RR*
Alyson 1:48, 7* 1:55, 8 RR* 2:00, 7 RR*
Rachel 2:06, 10 RR* 2:03, 10 RR* 1:58, 8 RR*
JJ 1:34, 1* 1:33, 3* 1:35, 3*
Janss 1:35, 20  – , 21  – , 21
Gold 1:24, 21  – , 21  – , 22
James 1:29, 10  – , 10 1:46, 6*
* = Row
PM – Level 1
Amy S
Kevin S
German S
Alan S
Billy S
Derek S
Krista S
Damon S
Twin S
Avtar S
Kandie S
Lauren S
Juke S
Diana S