WOD 8/13
Level Two
WU Snatch Progression
10:00, on the minute
2 Hang Snatches @70%
Rest 5:00
15:00, on the minute
Hill Sprint
6 Burpees
*Alternate each minute
Level One (Day 1)
Air Squats
Body Positioning
3 Rounds
:45 50 yard Shuttle runs
:15 Rest
:45 5 Push-ups/5 Squats
:15 Rest
*Record number of runs
Is It Primal? – Coconut Water, Chocolate Milk, Glycomaize and Other Foods Scrutinized
*Post thoughts to comments
“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot
- Important changes to our Level 1 Program are coming! Learn about them.
- Coach Shane’s South Side Strength program has gotten off to a great start! A few spaces are still available. Learn more and sign up here.
- Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
- We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.

AM – Level 1 | |
Jasmine | |
Whitney | |
Cyrus | |
Ginger | |
Robert | |
Paiman | |
Ercimin | |
Faith | |
AM – Level 2 | |
Jenna | |
Tim | |
Andrew C | |
Mike | |
Keith | |
MegO | |
Leah | |
Sparker | |
Alex | |
Jackie | |
Big Spoon | |
Jessie | |
Jeff C | |
Bradley | |
Michael | |
Ballet | |
George | |
Valyn | |
Tow Matt | |
Kirk | |
Ray | |
Fro | |
Christina | |
Mrs Fro | |
Walker | |
Michele | |
PM – Level 2 | |
Jeff | |
Randy | |
Billy | |
Marky Marc | |
Holly | |
Caitlin | |
ABC | |
Kevin | |
Stormye | |
Shug | |
Elena | |
Shemo | |
Ryan | |
E-Rod | |
LG | |
James | |
Pam | |
Ronnie | |
Kaz | |
Marissa | |
LaRosa | |
Andy | |
Sanchez | |
Denise | |
Nicole | |
Paul | |
Kiehler | |
PM – Level 1 | |
Jack | |
Morgen | |
Liz G | |
Snider | |
Jacob | |
Diana | |
Cameron | |
Krista | |
J. Dub | |
Caroline | |
Snick | |
49er | |
Avtar | |
Fran | |
Eugenia | |
Matt | |
Victor |