WOD 8/14

Level Two
BTN Snatch Grip Push Press x3x5, RPE 7-8, Rest 2:00

5 Rounds
10 Horizontal Ring Row
15 Lateral Cone Hops
*Total time recorded

Level One (Day 2)

6 Rounds

100 M Run
5 Step-ups/side
10 Tic Tacs/Side
*Total time Recorded

10 Reasons Why CrossFit Isn’t Working for You
*Post thoughts to comments

“Once a positive goal is chosen, you should decide to pursue it all the way to the end. Even if it is not realized, at least there will be no regret” – Dalai Lama


  • Important changes to our Level 1 Program start next week! Learn about them
  • Coach Shane’s South Side Strength program has gotten off to a great start! A few spaces are still available. Learn more and sign up here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.

AM – Level 1
Jacob 6:55
Rush 8:44
Robert 10:41
Jacklyn 8:10
Ginger 10:40
AM – Level 2
Rhett 6:38 (Box)
JV 6:44 (Box)
Leah 6:47 (Box)
Ivan 7:04 Rx
Mego 7:21 (Box)
Guthrie 7:25 (Box)
Big Spoon 7:46 (Box)
Jackie 8:07 (Box)
Kelly 8:11 (Box)
Lex 8:47 (Box)
Ballet 4:07 Rx
Michael 4:36 Rx
Michele 5:28 (Box, Line)
Linda 5:57 (Box, Line)
Brad 6:43 (Box)
Gary 7:44 (Box)
Ray 4:34 Rx
Dusty 6:34 (Pike)
Christina 6:18 (Pike)
Dean 6:10 (Box)
Suzi 6:46 (Press)
12P – Level 1 Hang
Dixie :09 13:26 (10lb)
Anne :10 9:27 (10lb)
49er :60 8:45 (14lb)
Jasmine :14 10:27 (6lb)
Snick :30 9:20 (10lb)
Cyrus :30 9:02 (14lb)
Krista :39 7:55 (6lb)
PM – Level 2
Marissa 5:28 (Box)
Jables 6:33 (Box)
Crash 7:19 (DB Press)
Andrew C 7:25 Rx
Billy 6:55 (Box)
Tasha 6:57 (DB Press)
Jenna 5:37 (DB Press)
Boone 8:00 Rx
Melissa 5:34
Blake 9:36 Rx
Jeanette 5:43 (DB Press)
Desiree 6:54 (Box)
Holly 5:17 (Box)
LG 7:59 (Box)
ABC 5:32 (Box)
Pam 6:40 (Box)
James 6:35 (Pike)
Shug 6:08 (DB Press)
Nicole 6:12 (Box)
Chrissy 7:48 (Box)
Wade 8:46 Rx
Sanchez 8:46 Rx
Paul 7:52 (Box)
Adrian 7:09 (Box)
Marky Marc 6:56 (Box)
Andy 8:10 (Box)
Jovi 7:19 Rx
LaRosa 6:56 (Box)