WOD 8/16

Level Two

Make-up Day

Strength WOD
A1. DB Press x5x3  Rest :90
A2. Front Rack Lunges x6-8/side x3  Rest :90
B1. Weighted Strict Chin-ups x1x5 (Set a new 1 RM)  Rest 1:00
B2. GH Raises x4-6×5  Rest 2:00
C1. Barbell Roll out x6-8×3  Rest :30
C2. DB Ext. Rot. x10-12×3  Rest :30

Level One (Day 8)

Kipping Pull-ups

5 Minute AMRAP
10 DB Thrusters
5 Burpees

You can ignore reality but you can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. -Ayn Rand

10 Ways to be better
*Post thoughts to comments

–  Get your Prom outfits ready….This Friday is CFA’s  first ever Prom Pub Run!  We will be meeting at Town Lake in front of the water coolers at 8:00pm to head to the first bar on our route.

AM Results
Mego S
Can2 Th 1:31, 245
Erica S
Chaz S
Big Shug CFT 115 S, 55 P, 185 DL= 355 total
Nick Th 21:03 Rx
9am W 255 BP, 175 C, 1:43
Tow Matt Th 22:12 (CTB)
Colleen S
Walker Th 22:12 (CTB)
Leslie S
Melicious S
Letty S
Jenny S
Amy S
Dayna F 18:00
Level One
Cynthia 4.5
Heidi 4.5
Mark 2.5
Alyson 3.5
PM Results
Crash CFT 113 BS, 70 P, 165 DL = 348 T
Jables CFT 155 BS, 95 P, 205 DL = 455 T
Fro CFT 287 BS, 150 P, 365 DL = 802 T
Ty CFT 145 BS, 85 P, 165 DL = 395 T
Stacey CFT 245 BS, 108 P, 300 DL = 653 T
Leigh CFT 255 BS, 110 P, 315 DL = 685 T
Blake TH 17:05 Rx
Cat Th 25:06 (S)
Boone S
Beast S
Kaz S
Ryan S
Jerry Th 19:16 Rx
Mark CFT 295, 135, 315
Zoom CFT 135, 65, 185
Courtney CFT 130, 80, 165
Anthony S
Danny S
Alex S
Carissa W 115, 125, 2:01
Christy W 83, 95, 2:04
Veronica S
Turk CFT 305, 155, 365
Mad Dog CFT 135, 60, 133