WOD 8/17

Push-up Challenge Day 11
Buy in: 2200/1100
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

Sumo Deadlift High Pull (95 lb, 65 lb)

The gem cannot be polished without friction, nor man perfected without trials.-Chinese Proverb



The Dutch Lowy Performance Development Seminar is this Saturday (There will be no Saturday workout this week), check out today’s article for a taste of the content covered. If you’re interested in going and haven’t signed up yet shoot me an email.

CF Austin happy hour this Thursday August 20 @ Little Woodrows.  Let me know in the comments if you think you’ll be there I’m going to try and reserve a table for us.

Finally, we are kicking off our on On-Ramp Program on Monday, August 31st @ 7:30 PM.  The program will be mandatory for all new clients that join after August 24th.  We will be rolling out more info on the program in the upcoming days.

AM Results
Will 6:41 (45 lb, Ring Row)
Tara 4:37 (25 lb, Jump)
Blake 8:12 Rx
Heather 6:51 (25 lb, Jump)
Rob 8:21 Rx
Kristin 4:26 (35 lb, Sit-ups)
PM Results
Ryan 8:29 Rx
Boone 7:18 Rx
Seth 5:52 (65lb)
Walker 5:24 (35lb)
Betsy 6:59 (45lb, Band)
Stacey 6:57 Rx
Amber 5:39 (35lb, Jump)
Katherine 6:55 3 (PVCx2, Jump)
Tow Matt 5:41 (45lb, Jump)
Ashley 6:41 (35lb, Jump)
Miguel 4:28 Rx
Keira 6:09 (15lb, Jump)
Lezli 6:18 (25lb, Jump)
Andrew 7:06 (75lb)
Wes 6:51 Rx