WOD 8/18
24:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 2-3 Strict Toes to Bar
Min 2 – 8 Wall Balls
Min 3 – 15 Double Unders
5 Rounds
200 M Run
8 CTB Pull-ups
Welcome to the Building C the new home of CrossFit Austin, and thanks to everyone that helped yesterday! We’re very excited to start training in the new space this week! We got allot done this weekend but everything is not 100% done, so for the next two weeks we will be turning our transitioning our new home from a construction zone to a fully operational gym. Some things for this week to expect:
1. We will still start class at A190, our plumbing in the new building will be ready by the end of the day today so we will still ask that folks use the restroom and shower in our old building
2. Our new equipment order will be in by mid to late week this week due to some back orders so we will focus on gymnastics early in the week. Next week we will be back to a test week and new 8 week training cycle
3. Our office area will be finished up this week so we will be officing out of the old gym until we get the go ahead.
Thanks for everyone’s patience this week!