WOD 8/3

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
2 Sets of 20/leg
Clams, Jackhammers, and Fire Hydrants

20 Minutes AMRAP
400 M Run
20 Wall Balls
10 Push-ups

We need a clinic on how to catch the wall balls -Jerry Everhard

Hangover Cures

Gymnastics Clinic with Walker August 21st Sign up here.

July PRs!!!!

We put to rest the original CFA quote board!
We’ll start over today, and maybe your quote will live in CFA infamy, like Jerry’s!

AM Results
Chaz 5 Rx
Melicious 4 (10lb)
Andrew 4 (10lb, K)
David 4 (10lb, K)
Jamie 4 (10lb, K)
Nick 6 (Row)
Tristy 4 (K)
Walker 4 (14lb)
Arnie 3 (15lb, K)
Liz 3 (10lb, K)
PM Results
Stacey 5 (14lbs)
Sleeves 5 Rx
Betsy 4 (14lbs, K)
Cat 3 (10lbs)
John 5 Rx
Chris 3 Rx
Blake 5 Rx
Winner 4 (10lbs, K)
Mark 4 (10lbs, K)
Michael 4 Rx
L.V. 5 (6lbs, K)
Tina aka “T.P.” 5 (10lbs)