WOD 8/2

Level Two

Make-up/Skill Day

Strength WOD:
A. Back Squat x5x5 (Focus on Depth) @75-80%  rest 2:00
B1. Snatch Lift-off + Snatch DL x3+2×4  rest :90
B2. Push-ups x10-12×3  rest:90
C. Weighted Chin-ups x6-8×3  rest :30
D1. Tic Tac x10/side x2  rest :30
D2. Two Arm Bent Over Trap 3 Raise x15x2  rest :30

Level One (Day 2)

Strict Chin-up (Progressions)

300 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Flutter Kicks
200 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Flutter Kicks
100 M Run
10 Step-ups/Leg
20 Flutter Kicks
*Time Recorded

If music be the food of love, play on. -William Shakespeare

Squatting an expression of health
*post thoughts to comments

– The next round of Oly Classes starts August 4th with Chad at 3:00, 6:30 and 7:30.   The 6:30 class will be for vets or folks who are already pretty proficient in the movements.  Sign up
here to reserve your spot.
– August 7th is LADIES DAY at
House Wine at 5pm.

CFA daycare!

AM Results
Mego S
Big Shug S
MG Jenny S
Erica S
9am S
Nick S
Tow Matt M 8:56 Rx
Kirk M 8:56 Rx
Peter S
Mikey F 3 RNDS
Marcus F 3 RNDS
Michael S
Cody S
Letty S
Jenny S
Dayna S
PM Results
Crash S
Fro S
Tasha S
Randy S
Ty S
Kristin S
Christy Fri 3 Rds
Blake S
Colleen S
Boone S
Jon S
Betsy S
Stacey S
Lance S
Natalie S
Jerry S
Stephanie S
Sleeves Sat: 7:03 Rx
Mark S
Alex S
Kavi S
Skipper S
Ryan S
Ross S
Heather S
David S
Chaz S
Mad Dog S
Cat S
Heiny S
Amy S
Courtney S