WOD 9/20
Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Split Squats 2×15/leg
50 Double Unders
3 Sets
2 Hang Cleans (Start from top of the knee) + 5 Front Squats
Rest :30
6-10 Strict or Partner Chin-ups (Have a partner hold both feet, one foot, or waist)
Rest :90
*Post reps, and weights to comments
15 Minutes AMRAP
20 Wall Balls (20 lb, 15 lb)
20 Push Presses (75 lb, 55 lbs)
200 M Run
*Rounds Recorded
Change your thoughts and you change your world. -Norman Vincent Peale
–Victory 400 Run Thursday morning, email Wes if you’d like to help Mike!
–Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
*There will be no morning classes on Thursday 9/23 for the Victory 400, and on Saturday 9/25 for Fight Gone Bad.
Watch Coach Chad compete at the World Championships of Weightlifting on Wednesday @ 1 PM
Catch the live webcast here
AM Results | |
Kirk | 4Rx |
Cat | 3 Rx |
Andrew | 3 Rx |
David | 3 Rx |
Ray | 5 (10lbs, 45lbs) |
Stephanie | 4 (10lbs, 35lbs) |
Liz | 3 Rx |
Scott | 4 Rx |
PM Results | |
Betsy | 4 Rx |
Tasha | 3 (45lbs, 10lbs) |
Jables | 3 Rx |
Heather | 3 (6lbs, 25lbs) |
Chi-Mike | 4 Rx |
Abbey | 4 (10lbs, 45lbs) |
John | 3 (65lbs) |
Patrick | 4 Rx |
Christy | 3 (10lbs, 35lbs) |
Stephanie | 3 (6lbs, 25lbs) |
Kristin | 3 (10lbs, 35lbs) |
Julie | 3 (10lbs, 35lbs) |
Ginger | 3 (6lbs, 15lbs) |
Chris | 3 Rx |
Winner | 3 Rx |
Alex | 4 Rx |
Melly | 3 (6lbs, 25lbs) |
Luke | 4 Rx |
Skipper | 3 (15lbs, 65lbs) |
Aubrey | 3 Rx |
Boone | 4 Rx |
Kavi | 4 (10lbs, 45lbs) |
Zoom | 3 (10lbs, 37lbs) |
Megan | 3 (6lbs, 35lbs) |
Darlene | 3 Rx |
Crash | 4 (6lbs, 25lbs) |
Anthony | 2 (10lbs, 45lbs) |