WOD 8/20

Level Two
Power Snatch x2x5 @ 80% Rest 2:00

Max Broken Set 2k Row
Rest 3:00
Rest 2:00
Rest 1:00
*20 DU During Rest (Scale: 20 contacts)
*Interval times recorded

Level One
Jump Progressions

3 Rounds

200 M Run
10 Goblet Squat
10 Flutter Kicks
20 Single Jump Ropes
*Time Recorded

Injury Nutrition and Supplementation: How to Get Back in the Game Sooner
*Post thoughts to comments

“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~ John F. Kennedy


  • Important changes to our Level 1 Program start today! Learn about them
  • Coach Shane’s South Side Strength program has gotten off to a great start! A few spaces are still available. Learn more and sign up here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info.

AM – Level 1
Leslie 5:36 (15lb)
Robert 5:39 (40lb)
Faith 5:48 (35lb)
Kelly 6:24 (15lb)
Liz 6:54 (26lb)
Morgen 5:27 (15lb)
Randy 6:56 (30lb)
Jesse 5:26 (53lb)
Ginger 6:41 (15lb)
AM – Level 2
Eileen 1:57 1:58 1:56 1:59
Jeff 1:56 2:15 2:21 2:20
Jessie 2:07 2:15 2:16 2:29
Mike 1:39 1:52 2:01 2:12
Leah 2:11 2:11 2:12 2:14
Ronnie 2:26 2:35 2:44 2:42
Paiman 1:48 2:30 2:10 2:04
JV 2:18 2:18 2:18 2:18
Big Spoon 1:40 1:43 1:44 1:48
Stephanie H 2:31 2:16 2:13 2:12
Tim 1:41 1:45 1:46 1:51
Alex 2:30 2:36 2:35 2:33
Melissa 2:20 2:22 2:23 2:24
AJ 1:51 1:45 1:50 1:52
Brad 1:27 1:32 1:44 1:47
Pratt 1:46 1:47 1:49 1:52
Tow Matt 1:41 1:47 1:52 1:52
Andrew 1:51 1:52 1:53 1:53
Ballet 1:44 1:52 1:55 1:50
Walker 2:15 2:22 2:20 2:19
Christian 2:03 2:09 2:44 2:15
Ray 2:01 2:10 2:06 2:05
Michele 2:31 2:37 2:38 2:38
12P – Level 2
Melissa 2:02 1:55 2:20 2:23
Jables 1:58 2:00 2:05 2:03
E-Rod 2:24 2:27 2:27 2:24
Billy 1:47 1:44 1:48 1:57
Cat 2:24 2:26 2:40 2:27
Blake 1:50 1:58 2:05 2:09
Marky Marc 1:55 1:53 1:56 1:57
PM – Level 1
Jack 7:01
Megan 8:36
Krista 5:40
Sharde 6:56
Rush 5:54
Franklin 10:18
Cyrus 5:07
Snick 5:48
Anne 6:09
Kara 6:17
Vanessa 7:23
M 5:37
J. Dub 6:43
Avtar 6:30
Derek 6:49
Corey 6:12
49er 5:53
Matthew 6:19
Jasmine 7:21
J-Mo 5:14
Jesus 5:16