WOD 8/24

All Levels
A. Box Jumps w/ 3-sec pause + soft landing x4x4 Rest 1:30
B. Squat Drops (Coach’s Cue) x6x4 Rest :45
C. MB RDL Catch x5x4 Rest 1:00 

5 Rounds
2:00 AMRAP
5 Cleans
5 Kip Pull-ups
5 Wall Ball
1:00 Active Rest (Double-Unders)
1:00 Full Rest
*Total rounds recorded

What about lifting belts?
*Post thoughts to comments

“Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys. If he counted them up as he ought to, he would see that every lot has enough happiness provided for it.” – Doestoevsky


  • The Strength+Beauty Challenge is coming to CrossFit Austin! Check it out.
  • Important changes to our Level 1 Program kick off this week! Learn about them.
  • Coach Shane’s South Side Strength program has gotten off to a great start! A few spaces are still available. Learn more and sign up here.
  • Have you heard about the Athlete Open? Want to compete, judge, or volunteer? Learn more here.
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes! Click here for more info

AM – All
Jesse 6
Blake 6
Big Spoon 7
Keith 6
Melissa 11
Eileen 5
Valyn 6
Guthrie 5
Rhett 6
Jackie 5
JV 6
Ivan 6
Janice 5
Robert 5
Tow Matt 5
AJ 5
EJ 6
Vinnie 5
Ballet 10
Nicole 10
Suzi 5
Jeff 7
Sean 7
Michele 5
Gregory 5
Doug 7
Mer 5
Denise 5
George 7
Laila 6
E-Rod 8
12P – All
Kristen 5
Krista 9
Billy 8
Heather 7
Kiehler 6