WOD 8/24

Push-up Challenge Day 17
Buy in: 3400/1700
Push-ups for the day: 200/100

100 Burpees for time

You don’t have to get it perfect – you just have to get it going. Babies don’t walk the first time they try, but eventually they do. -Mark Victor Hansen

Stress Induced Pain


Thanks to everyone that made it out to the Dutch Lowy Performance Development Seminar!

The On-Ramp Program starts on Monday, August 31st @ 7:30 PM. What is the On-Ramp Program?

– In depth instruction on all the the foundational movements of CrossFIt Austin.
– A directed and organized approach to making effective nutritional changes.

The On Ramp Program is for anyone that wishes to thrive in the fundamentals of CrossFIt.  It is designed for folks that are new to CFA but beneficial to all.  Current CFA members are encouraged to participate for free.

AM Results
Andrew 11:27 Rx
Blake 9:48 Rx
Kristin 6:53 (Sprawls)
Heather 8:15 (Sprawls)
PM Results
Mac 5:21 (Sprawls)
Nugget 5:40 Rx
Big Matt 9:50 Rx
Jessica 10:32 (50/50)
Tow Matt 11:01 Rx
Amber 9:48 Rx
Lezli 10:32 (50/50)
Stephen 9:32 (50/50)
Eleanor 10:07 (Sprawls)
Ashley 12:17 (50/50)
Betsy 6:36 Rx
Stacey 6:18 Rx
Laura 9:54 Rx
Erika 8:56 Rx
Wes 7:51 Rx
Smeth 10:03 Rx