WOD 8/26

Level Two

20 Minutes on the minute
2 Overhead Squats @ 3010
*Increase if possible
*Post Weights to comments


15 Minutes on the Minute
1-3 Push-ups
1-3 Band Air Squats
*Total Push-ups and Squats recorded

One lives in the naïve notion that later there will be more room than in the entire past.”
– Elias Canetti

Secrets to Adulthood
*Post thoughts to comments



AM Results
Melicious 75
Senator 90
MGJ 90
Mego 90
Michele 90
Erica 90
Can2 90
Tow Matt 90
Ginger 75
Tristy 90
Cynthia 90
Sherman 90
Jesse 90
Ray 90
John 90
Noon Results
Stephanie 90
Rob 90
Lane 90