WOD 8/30

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Strict Knees to Elbows 6-10
Push-ups (2011) 10

3 Sets
10 Overhead Squats
3:00 Rest


3 Sets
10 Back Squats (add 10lbs-20lbs from last week)
3:00 Rest


800 M Run
7 Rounds
5 Overhead Squats (95lbs, 65lbs)
5 Kip Pull-ups (CTB, COB)
800 M Run

I try to learn from the past, but I plan for the future by focusing exclusively on the present. That’s were the fun is. -Donald Trump

Ghee a lovely Fat

-Part 2 of the Mohican Warrior Challenge is around the corner, Sept. 11th.  If you signed up for Part 1, please email
tristystep@gmail.com to reserve your time slot for Part 2!  If you are only signing up for Part 2 of the Challenge, please sign up for your time slot here 
**Also, we need judges/counters (especially for 9am)!  If you are interested in helping out, even if you aren’t competing, email tristystep@gmail.com
-Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
Check out the new Recipe tab under Member Resources!  Submit your favorite Paleo Recipe to boone@crossfitaustin.com or tristy@crossfitaustin.com

Sleeves PR’s at the OlyAthlete Open

AM Results
Kirk 16:52 (75lbs)
Andrew 19:56 (65lbs, band)
David 19:19 (65lbs, band)
Melicious 16:54 (45lbs, band)
Ainsley 19:51 (15lbs, Jump)
Stephanie 14:42 (35lbs, band)
Liz 23:00 (band)
Scott 17:08 (25lbs, Jump)
PM Results
Patrick 15:58 Rx
Schittone 19:29 (45lb, ROM)
Betsy 15:21 Rx
Sara 19:39 (35lb, Jump)
G 17:08 (55lb)
Winner 18:30 Rx
Cat 20:04 (Band)
Tristy 16:53 Rx
Julie 19:59 (15lb, Jump)
Kristin 14:59 (MOD)
Christy 14:58 (35lb, Band)
Jess 18:48 (65lb, Band)
Chris 19:53 Rx
Boone 16:58 Rx
Brandon 16:44 Rx
Dan 19:30 Rx
Claire 19:41 (35lb, Band)
Skipper 16:45 (55lb, COB)
Michael 18:41 (65lb, COB)
Cody 18:09 (COB)
Aubrey 18:20 (55lb)
Heath 20:50 (55lb, Jump)
Melly 19:47 (25lb, Jump)
Sherman 20:15 (75lb, COB)
Juan 20:25 (35lb, COB)
Julie 17:14 (25lb, Jump)
Jen 16:05 (25lb, Band)
Ainsley 20:33 (75lb, Band)
Megan 17:24 (35lb, Band)
Kavi 18:50 (35lb, Jump)
Anthony DNF
Darlene 18:20 (55lb)
Jordan DNF
Alex 16:58 (COB)
On Ramp
Anrew 9:18
Augustin 7:00
Jesse 8:03
Luke 8:26
Eric 8:32