WOD 8/31

Level Two

Snatch Progression

10 Rounds
:30 Airdyne or Row @ 100%
:30 Alternate KB Swings and TTB
:60 Rest

Level One(Day 2)

Strict Chin-ups

6 Rounds
100 M Run
5 Step-ups
10 Tic Tacs/Side
*Time Recorded

How To Take Over The World

The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. -William James

–  Starting THIS week there will be some changes to the CFA Class Schedule.  We will be adding an additional 5:30pm Level One class to the schedule on Mon, Wed and Thurs!
–  Starting NEXT week, our Mon. and Wed. noon Level One class will be moving to Tues. and Thurs.
–  If you are interested in jumping over boxes, climbing across pull-up bars and possibly learning to run up walls, then sign up
here for a FREE Parkour Class at CFA on Sept. 3rd from 11:30-12:30pm.
– Sign up
here for the next Olympic Lifting class that starts tomorrow, Sept. 1st.  If this is your first time taking Chad’s class, please sign up for the 7:30pm class.  All vets, please sign up for either 3:00pm or 6:30pm.

Letty and Grayson representin’ CFA in Cali

AM Results
Turk I
Nick 120 (70lbs)
Janice 101 (35lbs)
Mego 67 (35lbs)
Steven 84 (55lbs)
Beast 107 (35lbs)
Mikey 95 (53lbs)
Senator 70 (35lbs)
Melicious 75 (35lbs)
Colleen 104 (26lbs)
MG Jenny 61 (35lbs)
Kavi 75 (24K)
Michael 86 (32K)
Ray 107 (24K)
Ryan 101 (24K)
Heather 87 (16K, KR)
Melody 78 (12K, KR)
Clapper 84 (24K)
Level I
Aaron 10:41 (20lb)
Vanessa 9:28 (6lb)
Pantera 7:58 (20lb)
Josie 10:56 (6lb)
KT 9:56 (10 lbs)
Jonathan 10:58 (6lbs)
Chrissy 8:48 (6lbs)
Maggie 10:05 (6lbs)
Jenna 7:52 (15lbs)
Bryan 7:32 (10lbs)
PM Results
Randy 81 (24k)
Sherman 101 (24K, KR)
Crash 82 (16K, KR)
Kristen 64 (24K)
Jesse 88 (24K, KR)
Jerry 117 (32K)
Tasha 79 (16K)
Cat 81 (20K)
Zoom 81 (16K)
Philip 92 (24K)
Stacey 109 (20K)
Blake 123 (32K)
Jon 106 (32K)
G 85 (16K)
Kaz 102 (24K)
Stephanie 65 (16K, K2E)
Tariq 106 (20K, KR)
Dain 115 (20K)
JV 129 (12K, KR)
Ryan 88 (24K)
Ross 88 (24K)
Sanchez 115 (24K)
Anthony 98 (16K)
Amy 84 (16K, KR)
Sundrop 129 (24K)
Mad Dog 96 (16K)
Schittone 95 (24K)
Megan 83 (16K)